48 JUNE 2 0 1 9
“Yes!” said Horenstein. “We don’t do
fake plants. Fake plants should be illegal.
I always like to bring in a piece of
the tropics and Southeast Asian islands —
that’s my happy spot.”
Southeast Asia (Thailand in particular)
has a special place in Guerrero and Horenstein’s
hearts. They had both traveled
there separately before meeting, then
went to Thailand together after their wedding.
In the corner stands a bare tree trunk
with paper hearts strung around it. What
was previously a Christmas tree is now
their “Love Tree.”
“We had to keep this even though the
aesthetic is not quite what we’re going
for,” Horenstein said. “I’m the Jewish one,
and Tony’s whole life, his family
always had a giant beautiful
tree, but it wasn’t real. I said,
‘If we’re going to have a
Christmas tree, we’re going
to have a real tree.’ So, this
was his very first Christmas
The Love Tree is one of the
many vessels hidden in plain