and her bed in the opposite corner. Each
area is distinct and no clutter from one
space infiltrates the others.
To bolster this illusion, Weisman has
purposefully hung pictures on only one
side of the room — above her couch in the
“living room.” None hang around her bed,
keeping these worlds separate and immediately
widening her small space.
“I think immediately people are like, ‘I
want to cover every inch of the wall with
pictures I love,’” the designer said. “It’s a
misconception. I shouldn’t say that it can’t
work, but it’s hard. There’s totally a fine
line. It’s kind of like less what you love and
more of like, what do I want to see every
single day?”
The pictures that made the cut are two
illustrations of characters from “The XFiles,”
a drawing of the video game Street
Fighter, a framed New Yorker cover, and a
print that reads, “Love is Love.”
“I feel most comfortable surrounding
myself with my interests,” Weisman said.
“Everyone probably does that, but I do it
to a crazy extent.”
Taking a closer look, these interests really
are everywhere, down to the pillows on her
couch. Her grandmother made them from
old Dave Matthews Band concert T-shirts.
A W magazine with Drake on the cover is
perched on the edge of the coffee table (“I
think people underestimate how a magazine
cover can be a piece of art”), and di