MAY 2 0 1 8 I BOROMAG.COM 43
MIGHTY Whoever said bigger is better
hasn’t met Diana Weisman.
This month, we dipped into
the visual designer’s charming
studio on Crescent Street
to talk about her impressively
sleek and tidy space.
Weisman, an artist who works in native
content at PopSugar, moved to Astoria
about two years ago, following in her older
brother’s footsteps.
“Like most of the things I enjoy in life,
my brother influenced me,” she said with
a smile.
When she first moved to the borough,
Weisman lived with two roommates, but
after the 2016 election she had a wakeup
“I need to live my life the way I want
to live it and go for it,” she remembered
thinking. “So that was really the catalyst
for me to look for my own place.”
She signed the lease for this studio
shortly after viewing it, calling it her “haven.”
And it’s easy to see why.
On the surface, the studio is expertly
decorated with classic-looking pieces,
but a closer look unearths a deep and
personal meaning to each item — making
her space completely unique.
“Before I moved in, I definitely looked
up some small space solutions,” Weisman
explained. “I think I’ve become pretty
knowledgeable about hacking your small
First and foremost, it’s all about illusion.
“The biggest thing they say is to play with
height,” she said. “Adding height brings
your eye up.” The place itself has high
ceilings so Weisman is able to take advantage
of the vertical space. She’s done
this by placing a tall table set with two bar
stools next to her refrigerator on the far
wall of her living area.
“They also talk about making sure you
segment your space so it really feels like
you’re entering the dining room or the living
room,” Weisman said. And she’s done
this well.
There are clearly designated areas: the
tall table and fridge; the glass coffee table
and bright red couch across the way;