42 JANUARY 2 0 1 9
looking, so it’s like if Anthropology and
Restoration Hardware got together and
had a family, this would be the product
of it.”
“And their cousin was Target,” Kris added.
“I’d call it cozy.”
The kitchen table does look straight out of
an Anthropology ad. The dark wood table
itself is from Ikea, but it’s set with patterned
placemats in bright pink, blue and green,
topped with stacked dishes: one black, one
patterned. Even their two cats, Tilley and
Taylor, dine from Anthropology bowls.
To give the table a unique look, they
swapped the generic Ikea chairs for rustic
ones from Wayfair for one side and
placed a bench on the other. There’s a
centerpiece of fake pink flowers and a
stack of paper napkins of a kitten holding
the Swiss flag (which they stole from a
café in Switzerland).
The apartment is a modest size but an
open layout, with the kitchen counter
spaces and appliances lining only one
side and melding into the living room.
The only separation is their bedroom and
the bathroom.
“It’s literally a ‘bedroom,’” Ilana joked.
“It’s a bed in a room.”
They decided to stick with their kingsized
bed which seems like it was tailormade
for the space, fitting perfectly with
only a couple feet on either side.
Like their cozy-rustic living room, their
bedroom has a similar feel with cool colors,
fairy lights above the bed, and photographs
and more personal trinkets from
their relationship throughout.