Quarterly CBP
Brokers Meeting
EPA dangers, and ACE updates
Cargo, Ground, &
Mail Handling
Aircraft Ancillary
GSE Sales, Leasing,
& Maintenance
Snow Removal &
Deicing Solutions
TSA airline
Reduce risk
of Covid
The U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security
recently advanced bipartisan legislation
that would help reduce the spread of COVID-19
among airline passengers and Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) employees.
The Security Screening During COVID-19
Act would direct the TSA administrator to coordinate
with the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention and the Department of Health
and Human Services to develop a plan, identifying
best practices among air carriers, airports,
and foreign governments regarding COVID-19.
The administrator would identify specific operational
changes that TSA can make to further
reduce the virus’ spread at checkpoints.
The bill also authorizes the TSA to consult
with its employees and stakeholders while developing
the plan and directs the comptroller
general to a report on the plan a year after it
is issued and implementation has begun said
U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, II (D-MO), who introduced
the bill.
The CBP held its April Customs Quarterly
Brokers Meeting partnering with the JFK Customs
Brokers Association moderated by Chief
Kathleen Currid, Trade Ops. drawing almost 200
Assistant Port Director for Cargo Andrew
Renna announced Robert Larkin as Acting Port
Director for the new few months and shared
some statistics for the firs half of the October fiscal
year. CBP processed 58 million entries with
a value of more than $51 billion dollars. Interdiction
was active with seizures of 18,000 kilos illegal
drugs, and 500 trade enforcement related seizures.
He mentioned the challenge of enforcing release
order for forced labor primarily of cotton
products from China.
This is related to the anti Trafficking efforts
seen throughout the airport by agencies , the
stakeholders and the Port Authority
Both the EPA and CPSC gave informative
presentations. Agent Traub of The EPA Criminal
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Investigation Division shared alerts on unregistered
insecticides and related alleged treatments
against Covid 19 which pose a real hazard
to health. Many of thee products are found online
or at ethic based retail stores. Deborah Bonardi
of the CPSC introduced the USG Notification messaging
process within ACE regarding status of
import shipments.
Agency contacts: traub.robin@epa.gov , dbonardi@
cpsc.gov, FDA: Andrew.molesky@fda.
hhs.gov, wing.y.chan@cbp.dhs.gov
Deputy Chief Cargo Control, Wing Chan, reminded
the attendees to verify the identity of
shippers to avoid fake documentation He also
made comments on !C,1H and IG regulations details.
A copy of the virtual presentation will be distributed
through the CBP Pipeline or contact
Kathleen.a.currid@cb.dha.gov for the presentation
or request to be added to the Pipeline. Distribution.
For problem or questions refer to the Pipeline
distribution Nov 17- 21-006 Problem Resolution.