The Wedding Garden, complete with a footbridge over a babbling
stream, is a favorite spot for couples to exchange vows.
The green space hosts events and programs for all ages, including
Flower Patch in the spring, Pumpkin Patch in the fall, bird walks
with NYC Audubon year round, a Halloween weekend, a brand
new outdoor Movie Nights summer series, along with countless
composting, art, and craft workshops. QBG also presents
exhibitions created by local artists in its indoor and outdoor
gallery spaces as a part of its Art in the Garden program.
Inside scoop: Built in 2007, QBG’s Visitor & Administration
Building was the first NYC building to earn a Platinum rating
from the United States Green Building Council Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design. The building has a planted
green roof that minimizes storm water run-off; solar panels that
generate 17 percent of the building’s electricity; geothermal
heating and cooling; gray water recycling that cleans water from
sinks; compost toilets for staffers; and bioswales that capture
storm water to reduce pressure on the city’s overburdened sewer
Address: 43-50 Main St. and
Queens Museum is most famous for its Panorama of the City of
New York, a 9,335-square-foot, 900,000-structure, scaled-down
architectural model of all five boroughs. But that’s just the start. The
permanent collection includes Tiffany glass, Salvador Dali paintings,
crime scene photographs from the Daily News archives, and more
than 6,000 artifacts from the 1939 and 1964 World’s Fairs.
Multiculturalism is the focus of most of QM’s special
programming, and exhibitions have included Across the Pacific:
Queens Museum
22 QUEENS IN YOUR POCKET • www.its inqueens .com