Annual NST
Photos by Dawn Steinberg North Shore Towers’ Babes
& Guys Against Cancer
fundraiser was, no surprise,
a huge success. The weather
for the event, which was held on
Thursday, July 11, was spectacular,
and activities included a
12-hole golf tournament and an
assortment of cards and games
leading up to a lovely luncheon,
complete with some pretty nifty
raffle prizes.
As anyone who attended the
event can attest, the day went off
seamlessly, and you couldn’t be
blamed for thinking it was a snap
to pull off. But there was a lot of
work going on before the big day,
which was chaired this year by
Irma Marcus.
When Irma arrived back in New
York in early April from Florida,
The elite team of volunteers
she knew she could waste no
time in getting preparations for
the event started. Yes, it took 4
months of planning plus a volunteer
group of nearly 30 people, not
to mention considerable support
from many North Shore Towers
staff, to make it all look easy.
Blossom Greenberg and Arline
Cammeyer got things going quickly
to build awareness, starting with
the “Tree of Life,” while Marina
Gottlieb oversaw publicity with
posters in the arcade and community
Of course, the raffles are always
a big attraction, and the volunteers
got to work. “The volunteers on
the committee went store to store
for the raffles,” Irma explained.
But the raffle bags had to be
assembled, and there was a lot to
work with—altogether, the team
received close to 100 unique
contributions to create nearly 40
raffle bags. “We wanted to make
the raffle prizes fairly comparable
Irma Marcus, 2019 Chairwoman
Thanks to everyone who
volunteered! The Mahjong Mavens! 10 NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER ¢ August 2019
There’s some serious card playing
Wanna bet she made that putt?