CARD-READING Double Contract Bridge Trouble by STEVE BECKER The main reason why some players win more national and world championships than others is, without question, superior skills. But on occasion, luck—in the form of being in the right place at the right time— can play an important role. Here’s a good example of how the luck factor works. Bob Hamman, one of the world’s best, was playing in the 1983 Life Master Pairs, and on the first of two deals opened the bidding with two notrump. The next player doubled, everybody passed, and although the defenders could have taken the first six tricks with a different opening lead, Hamman wound up making nine tricks for a score of 890 points. On the second deal, the one shown, Hamman held the South hand and got to four hearts doubled. Offhand, it might seem that West doubled once or twice too often, but be that as it may, he exercised his constitutional right to free speech and followed this by leading the jack of spades. It did not take Hamman long to teach West a lesson. He won the jack with dummy’s king, cashed the A-K of trumps and A-Q of spades, discarding two diamonds from dummy, and then led the five of diamonds toward dummy’s singleton nine. West compounded his previous felonies by following low, and the outcome was that Hamman made the doubled contract with three overtricks to score another 890 points! One important principle that emerges is that if your opponents are trying for a slam (which is what Hamman’s four-diamond bid suggested), it’s poor policy to double them when they stop at a mere game. (c) 2016 King Features Syndicate Inc. 44 North Shore Towers Courier n August 2016 Compassionate Care for Four Generations Every funeral detail is handled according to each family’s personal and religious preferences. Specialists in FDIC Insured Pre-Plans Many Jewish families are turning to Sinai Chapels experienced counselors to establish a Pre-Plan. With a Sinai Pre-Plan, families are relieved of dealing with making arrangements at a difficult time. Sinai’s Pre-Plan counselors will meet with you at the Chapel, or in the comfort of your home. Sinai Chapels | 162-05 Horace Harding Expressway | Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 718.445.0300 | 800.446.0406 We are here 24 hours to serve your family.
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