Model Behavior
Sydney’s Smiles kick-off event a success
Stars of the show; (l. to r.) Elena Smith, Claire Charvet, Aly Krell, Jamison Novello, Haley Herman, Pouran,
Sydney Brett, Bailey Mullen, Sydney Delman, Megan Tierney and Emily Lyons
Photos by Julie Weissman
“We didn’t know what to expect,
because we’d never done
anything like this,” explained
Jennifer Brett, whose daughter,
Sydney, is the creator/founder of
Sydney’s Smiles, a charity for young
women, which equips them with
the tools needed to combat bullying
in their lives. On Sunday, June 4,
the organization held its first ever
fund-raiser, “Dress 2 Impress,” in
the renovated Towers on the Green.
Sponsored by Pouran’s Salon,
Spa, and Boutique at NST proprietor
and now resident Pouran, the
teen fashion show featured ten teen
models, between the ages of 14–16,
who strutted their stuff down a red
carpet, clad in the latest fashions.
In addition, a raffle was held with
prizes and services, generously
donated by local businesses. “The
items and gift cards donations were
all secured by Sydney, contacting
stores and restaurants.” Jennifer
said. “She literally walked door to
door and sent hundreds of emails.”
The event attracted more than
100 attendees and raising more
than $1200. Quite respectable for
a charity, which traces its genesis
back a scant few months. It was
only last December, when Sydney
thought up the idea for Sydney’s
Smiles. By early February, the
paperwork and legal filings were
complete. The ink hadn’t even
dried, however, before the enterprising
teen philanthropist was
spreading her message, speaking
at public school and communities.
Soon, Sydney had the epiphany
to organize a charity fashion show
as the kick-off event to raise money
and further awareness, approaching
area merchants in her hometown of
Lido Beach, Long Island, for support.
Though there was plenty of
interest, there wasn’t an appropriate
venue to host such an affair. That’s
when Sydney thought of approaching
Pouran. Over several meetings,
the NST veteran businesswoman
and ambitious teen hammered out
the details.
Buffy’s beautifully transformed
ballroom was the perfect venue.
The magnanimous host provided
the stylish fashions from her
boutique for the young models to
wear and Buffy graciously donated
refreshments for the audience and
participants. The goodie bags were
filled with generous donations
from Beauty for Real, NYU Child
Study Center, Sunglasses LA and
Beauty Bakerie.
For her models, Sydney needed
to look no further than Miss
Colleen’s Elite Dancentre in
Rockville Centre, where she and
her subsequent runway strutters
“have been dancing together for
past few years,” according to
Jennifer. “The owner, Colleen
Gunn, has always been supportive
of all of Sydney’s charity
“Everyone was very pleased,”
she added. “Every seat was filled
and there were people standing; we
surpassed expectations!”
Sydney's Smiles founder, Sydney
Teen vogue
Group hug! Strike a pose 38 NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER ¢ July 2017