Did you know...
Active people are less likely to
have health issues such as obesity,
high blood pressure, diabetes,
osteoporosis, coronary artery
disease and stroke, depression,
colon cancer, and premature death.
Did you know...
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables
can reduce your risk of cancer and
other chronic diseases. For more
information, check out the Centers
for Disease Control’s 5 A Day for
Better Health program online.
2017 Summer Series | Issue 1
Health Matters
Safe summer fun for everyone
Long Island Jewish Forest Hills, a division of Northwell Health’s
Long Island Jewish Medical Center, provides inpatient medical
and surgical care, intensive care, emergency care, and obstetrics
and gynecology services, and is a New York State-designated
Stroke Center. Learn more at Northwell.edu/ForestHills.
File name: Northwell_FH1_8.75x11.5_4C
Size: 8.75”x11.5”, CMYK
Publication: North Shore Towers Courier, Queens Courier, Lefrak City, El Correo, Queens Tribune-Health Issue, Queens Tribune
Fitness facts
– Adults should get 30 minutes
of moderate-intensity exercise
most days of the week. Children
and adolescents should get 60
minutes of moderate-intensity
exercise most days of the week.
– Start your workout at an easy
pace and gradually increase
the intensity over time.
– When exercising outdoors,
drink 8 to 10 glasses of water
every day. On days when you’re
extra active, drink an additional
half cup every 15 minutes
while exercising.
– Don’t overdo it.
Eat healthy
– Add color to your plate
by eating plenty of
fruits and vegetables.
– Wash your hands
before handling food.
– Cook all foods to the
proper temperatures.
– Refrigerate foods
Northwell Health Physician Partners
Rego Park Multispecialty Practice
95-25 Queens Boulevard
To make an appointment,
call (718) 925-6200.
Summer is the best time to get outdoors and have
some fun. We’ve got some tips and tricks that will help
you get the most out of your experiences while staying
safe this summer!