Appliances, cars, banking, medical
records, etc., are connected to the
Internet and prey to hackers. Stahl
spoke of a “60 Minutes” segment,
which told of a hacker gaining control
of her car, whereby she had no
control at all. Stahl feels we must
find politicians who’ll police the
When asked about government
leaks, Stahl went back to the time
of Presidents Carter, Reagan and
Nixon to use as examples, explaining
there were cascades of leaks
since Watergate. With popular presidents
the media is silent, but not
so with unpopular Commanders in
Chief. Republicans stood behind
Nixon until they had no choice, but
to turn their backs on him or face
political suicide. In 1979, President
Carter had approval ratings in the
basement and subsequently there
was more leaking from within. After
Reagan was elected, the leaking
dried up because he was extremely
popular. With such high approval
ratings, Reagan even had positive
It seems every type of press is
now considered media—TV, radio,
cable news, etc. Reporters have a
bias from whatever media station
they are reporting on, whether it’s
CNN, Fox or MSNBC. She likens
the media to a salad bowl, all mixed
together with a variety of opinions.
Stahl says “60 Minutes” tries to be
unbiased and fair and stories are
checked. “‘60 Minutes’ is exactly
what it says and is not ‘fake news’
and its ratings are continuously
going up.”
When questioned about our current
president, Donald Trump, she
feels the Republicans will stay with
him until they have no choice and
talking of impeachment now is premature.
She doesn’t feel there is a
chance of any change until the next
election, because the Republicans
are in control of both houses and
are for the most part supportive of
the President. Every time something
negative happens with his administration,
an explosion of news
occurs, obfuscating the current
scandal and lately the American
public seem to be bombarded on a
daily basis. As it stands, everything
depends on the 2018 election.
Lesley Stahl left us all in a feelgood
place. She was passionate,
amusing and informative and made
us all happy to have spent time with
her. She wrapped up the evening
with a cute joke we were all able to
appreciate: “It was grandpa Mel’s
80th birthday, but he didn’t want
to celebrate his 80th birthday, no
how, no way. His family decided
to plan something special for him.
One evening, the doorbell rings and
Mel answered the door. Standing
in the doorway is this voluptuous,
gorgeous, sexy woman. She says,
“I’m here to give you ‘super sex.’
Mel replies, “I’ll take the soup.’’
That’s all folks!!!
Gloria Beck asks Stahl a question
Stahl examines the President on “60 Minutes”
Stahl autographs while University Club President Shirley Wershba
The “60 Minutes” team in 1993 (l. to r.) Andy Rooney, Morley Safer,
Steve Kroft, Mike Wallace, Executive Producer Don Hewitt, Lesley
Stahl and Ed Bradley at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art
celebrating the show’s 25th anniversary
Save the date—
John Kenrick returns!
JULY 29, 2017, AT 7:30 P.M.
Stahl reporting from the 1980
Republican National Convention
Stahl reporting from the lawn of the White
House in 1980