Commemorating UJA-Federation’s 100th Anniversary
Photos by Stephen Vrattos
An overflowing crowd welcomed
New York Yankee
Legend Ron Blomberg to
the June 8 meeting of North Shore
Towers Men’s Club in the beautifully
refurbished Towers on the Green.
Blomberg was welcomed by Men’s
Club President Arnie Rabinowitz
and the Program was chaired by
Gary Zwetchkenbaum, who related
that, on April 8, 1973, he was in the
stands at Fenway Park in Boston,
when Ron Blomberg came to bat as
the first Designated Hitter (DH) in
Major League Baseball. To the dismay
of Yankee Fans in attendance,
Zwetchkenbaum was not rooting
for the visiting team.
Blomberg is a gifted speaker and
proud Jew, who devotes much of
his time “giving back” to the community.
An essential component to
this “giving back” is his support of
the Jewish Community and UJAFederation.
Sherri Candel represented
UJA-Federation and Kerry
Newman, a Vice President of UJA
spoke at the event.
Newman gave us a meaningful
understanding of UJA’s activities
on behalf of the Jewish Community
and Israel, opening with a video
presentation, which illustrated how
UJA meets the health, educational
and charitable needs of the Greater
New York Community. The organization
was founded on January 8,
1917, by financier Felix Warburg,
whose efforts combined 24 Jewish
charities. It supports the Samuel
Field and Central Queens Y’s, the
Hebrew Free Loan Society, and
most importantly, the State of Israel.
The UJA responds “immediately
and effectively to crises here,
in Israel and around the World,”
Newman said. Its current programs
emphasize building community
and drawing young people into
Jewish life through Hillel and
Birthright Israel. UJA effectively
combats anti-Semitism, significantly
manifested by the Boycott,
Disinvestment and Sanctions of
Israel movement (BDS) in our
colleges and universities. The
Federation provides outreach and
conducts trips to Israel by both
Jewish and non-Jewish faculty.
For further information about
UJA, please contact Sherri Candel
at (516) 762-5896 or candels@
Not only was the program
interesting and educational, but
also Blomberg brought prizes for
the lucky winners of our raffle,
such as autographed baseballs
and a bat, and copies of his book,
“Designated Hebrew.” With his
down home southern manner,
sense of humor and sincerity, Ron
Blomberg left us smiling.
For those of us needing a break
from the Spring chill and sounds of
drilling, the Men’s Club provided
respite on May 22 with a wonderful
dinner at La Baraka, an excellent
French restaurant on Northern
Boulevard. The entire restaurant
was reserved for the Men’s Club
and forty-four members and guests
attended. The company and food
was good and the price reasonable.
We had a wonderful evening.
June was a busy month for the
Men’s Club. The Current Events
Group met on June 12, the second
Monday of the month as usual, at
10:30 a.m. in the Coleridge Lounge.
The group was enthusiastic and
there was active discussion about
Former FBI Director Comey’s testimony
and a variety of issues of
interest. The next meeting of the
Current Events Group, chaired
by Lee Hiller, will be on July 10 at
10:30 a.m. in the Coleridge Lounge
The Men’s Club has an active
program over the summer:
Every Tuesday Wednesday &
Friday: Breakfast at Buffy’s (Towers
Restaurant) 9:15 a.m.
June 22: An afternoon at
Belmont Park
June 26: Trip to Tropicana Hotel
in Atlantic City
July 11: Visit to Holocaust
Museum in Glen Cove
July 13: Monthly Meeting of the
Men’s Club at 7:30 p.m. in the
Large Card Room / Speaker Joe
Garten, “The Kindertransport: My
personal experience.”
July 18: Members-only lunch
at Ayhan’s Shish Kebab in
Great Neck.
July 27: Dinner at Crabtree’s
Restaurant at 7:00 p.m.
July 30: BINGO at 7:30 p.m. in
Large Card Room.
If you’re interested in membership
or attending these events,
• President Arnie Rabinowitz at
• Events Committee Chairman
Jerry Siegel 347-235-4513
• Membership Committee
Chairman Joe DiGiovanni at
The NST Men’s Club is a vital,
active organization, with something
for everyone, whatever your
The President and First Lady (Terrie) with Ron Blomberg
Interviewing a young fan who'd just won an autographed baseball