The Handwriting’s on the Wall
On May 9, the North Shore
Towers Men’s Club welcomed
speaker and graphologist
Irwin Pfeffer to discuss
the topic of graphology, which
is the study of handwriting. Mr.
Pfeffer was introduced by Mr. Fred
Chernow. Mr. Pfeffer is the author
of four books, has appeared on
both radio and TV shows, and has
lectured extensively on graphology
and many other subjects.
Graphology is used to discover
emotions, personality and characteristics
through penmanship, and
is described by most as a pseudoscience.
Personally, I subscribe to the
pseudoscience school of thought.
Sadly, letter writing has become a
dying art. When was the last time
you wrote a letter?
Mr. Pfeffer gave us some background
information regarding handwriting
analysis. According to Mr.
Pfeffer, script is considered more
accurate and credible compared to
print. Handwriting should be on
unlined paper for the best results.
Mr. Pfeffer then shared with us
a story about a couple who were
planning to get married and wanted
their handwriting analyzed beforehand.
He explained to us that if he
ever sees something negative or
undesirable in a situation, he would
never disclose that information.
However, in this particular situation,
he felt both good and bad. In
analyzing this couple’s handwriting,
Mr. Pfeffer drew the conclusion
that the two were not well suited
for one another. Unfortunately, he
was correct about his analysis, as
the couple did not make it through
their honeymoon.
Mr. Pfeffer ended his lecture by
analyzing the handwriting of three
people in the audience. However,
this was done in private. In fact,
it was so private that the rest of
us were never told of the results.
Overall, his lecture was both interesting
and humorous.
Steve Weiland gives the lecture a
JUNE 2019
• Breakfast every Tuesday,
Wednesday and Friday at Buffy's
at 9am
• Member/Guest Dinner:
Tuesday, June 4, 7:00pm
Il Bacco Ristorante, 253-24
Northern Blvd., Little Neck
Choice of soup or salad;
5 entrees; beer, wine or soft
drinks; dessert and coffee or
tea $40 per person including
tax and tip. Handicapped access
and valet parking.
• Current Events: Monday,
June 10, 10:30am in the
Coleridge Lounge
• Members only BBQ:
Thu r sday, June 20 ,
5:30pm-800pm at the NST
Picnic site behind Building 3.
BBQ ribs and chicken with
potato and cole slaw, beer and
soft drinks. $21 per person.
• Current Events: Monday,
June 24, 10:30am-12:00pm in
the Coleridge Lounge.
• BINGO: Sunday, June 30,
7:30pm in the Large Card Room,
Building 2.
Call Jerry Siegel
if you have any questions
Lecturer Irwin Pfeffer and First
V.P., Board of Directors, Fred
The following morning the Men’s Club met for breakfast,
as they do three times a week.
As usual, the discussions were eclectic and lively. A few
enjoyed the previous night’s presentation, while some didn’t.
On another note, the stock market had been tanking due
to the possible 25% tariffs placed on Chinese imports. This
was such an important occurrence that Jerry Siegel permitted
Steve Auerbach, Tale Kreisler and Ron Levin to discuss it. I too
approved of their discussion regarding the market thinking,
and if I had known them a few years ago I might be living in
a larger apartment.
Another topic that morning was the price of haircuts. I
always go back to my old barber at Bell Blvd. and 73rd Ave
in Bayside. A men’s haircut is $14.00 plus a tip, which is what
most pay. Some of the men at the table go to the shop next to
the Bagel Boss in the Lake Success Shopping Center. According
to them, they pay $20.00. Coming in at the highest price was
Howard Kimmel at $40. After all, he has hair!
Men's Club Meeting: Thursday, June 13, 7:30pm in the Large
Card Room, Building 2 – Speakers Barbara Paskoff and
Carol Packer: Authors of "Over Sixty Shades Of Gray"