President’s Letter
Dear Fellow Shareholders,
By the time this letter is distributed,
the Memorial Day weekend
will have passed. Hopefully, it was
a pleasant weekend for all.
The good news at the North
Shore Towers & Country Club is
that the Outdoor pool season has
begun and the repair and renovation
of the Pool entrance area
and Kiddie pool were completed
on time despite adverse weather
conditions earlier in the month.
Completion of the Pickle Ball
court, located near the commercial
truck entrance behind Building 3,
was delayed by the rains but was
scheduled to be completed by June
1. Details about use will be posted
on the lobby screens.
The golf course is open and play
has begun. The only glitch has
been the closure of the rest room
near the 4th hole. Despite having
been in operation for many years,
a recent survey by the City & State
Regulatory Agencies disapproved
the source of water in use for that
facility and abruptly closed it. NST
Management already has developed
a plan to satisfy the Regulatory
Agencies and has installed a portable
toilet to serve the golfers in
the interim.
This problem is a microcosm
of the complexity of what would
otherwise appear to be a simple
problem. Without going into detail,
aside from the cost of the portable
toilet service, the water supply
pipe has to be replaced at a cost of
almost $17,000. This expense was
approved by the Board at the recent
meeting on May 23.
Other items approved were a
planned and budgeted upgrade
of a Cooling Tower necessary to
provide Air Conditioning and
Landscape restoration for Buildings
2 and 3 following completion of
Local Law 11 mandated Building
One of the areas that I have tried
to improve is communication of
information, some of which does
not lend itself to simply a monthly
letter from the Board President.
Currently, there is a 15-minute
video tour of the Power Plant available
on of our in-house Channel
995. To date, I have been unable
to solve the issue of posting a time
schedule. When I have tried to
watch the tour, I did view other
North Shore Towers events that I
had missed, specifically VIP Room
programs such as the lovely young
chanteuse singing love songs in
English and French. I recommend
the channel to you. Worst case, you
will be entertained - and eventually,
you will experience a tour of the
Power Plant.
Perhaps this is a good place
to remind Shareholders that
the ONLY authorized in-house
web site is www.NSTresidents.
com where you are able to view
upcoming events, check package
deliveries, schedule maintenance,
post and respond to messages on
an in-house “Bulletin Board” as
well as access Board resolutions
and letters from Management and
the Board. To receive log-in credentials
(user name and password),
call the Management Office (718)
Three recent success stories that
deserve mention and applause:
1. The Art Studio renovation
and new program that makes space
available to NST artists has been
enthusiastically received and is in
use. Bob Ricken and his Special
Projects Committee deserve a pat
on the back and applause for reviving
this amenity.
2. The new Tennis Pro, Alex
Morris, has rejuvenated, perhaps
resurrected, our Tennis Program.
Of course, the Tennis Committee
and Association deserve credit
for proposing open access to the
tennis courts, but aside from that,
Alex’s enthusiasm and support of
extended hours of play including
night tennis has invigorated not
only tennis players but those of us
who only watch the court activity
with delight.
3. The Political Action
Committee has coordinated with
We Care NY in a voluntary program,
Commonpoint, seeking
donations of much needed everyday
items (soaps, toiletries, hand towels)
for needy adults not adequately
served by the usual support programs.
Appropriately marked bins
have been placed in the mailrooms.
Chairperson Felice Hannah reports
that donations have been brisk and
that there is a friendly competition
amongst the 3 buildings as to which
one will raise the most items.
Before I sat down to write this
message, I walked our property. I
must say that we are living in an
extraordinary community. There is
so much to be praised. We are truly
blessed and I personally am grateful
for the extraordinary job our management
team and staff does, day
after day, week after week, and so
on. That is not to say that problems
have not occurred. An old observation
comes to mind: “If you are not
part of the solution, you are part of
the problem.”
The Board of Directors, and the
Management team, for whatever
faults they may have, are part of
the solution. For this, in my last
letter as President of the current
Board, I thank both the Board and
the Management team.
Stanley J. Goldsmith, MD,
ScD (hon)
President, North Shore
Towers & Country Clu
One for the Books: Donate to Our Library
I recently ran a fundraiser
with the help of Barbara
Reiter, Jeanne Chu, Paul
Klein and Eric Metzger at
the Douglaston-Little Neck
Library. We had plants and
the usual book mix: fiction,
nonfiction, adults and children
(primary and middle
With the exception of a
scant dozen books for primary,
maybe 100+ of these books went
home in happy, greedy little hands.
Our middle school inventory was
much larger, and I would say maybe
one-third or more went home
backpacked or plastic bagged.
The realization that there were
so few books for children in our
NST library hit home. We do have
some children living here,
but more importantly, we
have grandchildren visiting,
and they should be included
in our library.
Now that our library has
been given a fresh coat of
paint with beautiful photos
to liven it up, bring your visiting
grandchildren down —
and pick up a book for both
of you. Enjoy a trip to the
unknown. Have your grandchildren
help you to cull the
books they’re through with,
donate them to our library, and
let others share in the bounty.
Thank you!