“We toe a line between punk
and pop that doesn't fit in the
common ‘pop-punk’ genre,”
said drummer Glenn Gentzke.
“The punk side comes through
in the pace and attack of the
drums and distorted guitars.
The pop is in the hooks and vocals.”
The band’s sound is completed
by Mike Borchardt, who plays infallible
rock guitar and Kris Thompson, whose
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steady bass perfectly complements
Gentzke’s angsty beats.
A city band, Treads has strong roots in
western Queens. Gentzke has lived in Astoria
since 2010 and appreciates the contrast
the neighborhood of Astoria brings
to living in other parts of New York City.
“This neighborhood has many talented
actors, writers, visual artists and, of
course, musicians,” Gentzke said. “They
tend to not be the scene kids I see regularly
elsewhere in New York and that
exposure and separation from the echo
chamber helps keep me grounded and
critical of the music Treads plays and the
venues we choose to play in.”
Check out their EP, “I Don't Know How
to Have Fun on an Island Where I'm Always
Wasting Time,” and if you are as
hooked as we are, rest assured, they are
currently working on a new record.
Treads is a New York City punk rock
band that plays quick catchy songs. Its
music has a sense of urgency that teeters
on the edge of a knife.
Every song has an energetic tension
that balances a loud, emo-driven, late
‘90s punk style, while also sounding kind
of pretty. Lead singer Emily Madge’s
prominent, striking lead vocals take the
listener on a wild, angsty roller coaster
ride in each and every track.
Photos by David Burlacu