November JFK GM Stakeholders Meeting
Focus on badging No-Shows, Disabled and clean up week
At the meeting, several items
included, the need for following
credentials office appointments
scheduling, recognition of the
Sun Flower Lanyard program
for the disabled, and clean-up
debris week of November 15-
JFK GM Charles Everett
hoisted the November JFK
Stakeholders GM and opened
up with a positive statement. He
welcomed travelers back to JFK
days before at a British Airways
Welcome Back event, promising
highest levels of customer
service exceeding expectations.
With the upcoming winter season,
he stated that JFK is prepared
with people trained for the
snow season.
Airport Security Mervin
Peters shared a presentation describing
the initiatives to help employees
get f Secure Identification
Display Area (SIDA) badges
as well as the negative impact
that appointment No-Shows had
on the efficiency of the credential
office. Initiatives included increasing
the office staff, increasing
hours for some evenings and
Saturdays, additional appointment
dimes and SIDA training
and better communication to the
community on badging issues.
Appointment No-Shows in
the month of October totaled
over 130 for card pick-ups, renewals,
training and finger printing
with 60% from 15 companies
at the airport.
He asked Authorized Signators
to spread the word on this
matter by making sure applicants
have (2) matching IDs, correct
IDs, proper paperwork, and
completed training paperwork to
minimize slowdown problems in
the office. He also asked that he
be contacted directly if there was
anything he could do to alleviate
the problem.
Deputy GM Teresa Rizzuto
added that neither she nor
Charles want to have workers
stand in the cold outside the security
office because of delays
and missed appointments.
Peters reminded all those
stakeholders that there is the annual
Aviation Security Tabletop
Exercise Nov 18, 1-3:30 pm.
Port Authority Asst. Manager
for Landside Customer Service
spoke about helping and the
building awareness of travelers
with hidden disabilities. A program
has been underway with
a SunFlower Lanyard which is
a globally recognized symbol
for non-visible disabilities, also
known as hidden or invisible disabilities
such as autism, chronic
pain, and learning difficulties
as well as mental health conditions,
mobility, speech impairments,
and sensory loss such as
speech, sight loss, hearing loss,
or deafness.
This lanyard will now be available
through Welcome Centers
and Travelers Aid.
Airport workers are encourage
to keep an eye out for these
individuals who may require assistance
in their journey through
the airport or terminals. This new
awareness program ties in World
Kindness Day on November
13th.ih and the ongoing We Soar
Program that has exceptional
customer service as its mission.
Deputy GM Teresa Rizzuto
reinforced the cleanup effort
around the airport during the
week of November 15th. In addition
to regular FOD inspections,
this will focus more on the larger
equipment that has been left
around the Postal Pen, ramps
and tarmac potentially posing a
safety issue to all working there.
Rizzuto said that it is incumbent
for all owners of this property to
have it claimed by November
19th or all will be permanently removed.
Other Agency/
The Kaamco meeting was
reported by President Roger
Scott. The CDC shared scripts
for airline workers working with
international travelers and coping
with new regulations after
lifting of restrictive travel for the
past 20 months. A Cargo update
was given from Brian Cooley and
the baggage Interline operations
was discussed. Scott said that
the Kaamco Dinner dance will
be well attended and a good time
anticipated by all.
Big news is that Kaamco is
planning its first IRL meeting on
Dec 8th. No more monthly Zoom!
Probably at a local hotel since
the Port still maintains strict gatherings
in their buildings. Details
are being worked out for exact
time and place. Stay tuned.
The easing of international
travel is “fantastic” Scott said,
but there will be some challenges
brining in more staff if capacity
grows too quickly.
FAA-Dace Siewert happily
reported that the daily flight count
is running a lot closer to 2019
with about 1150 and he expects
it to creep upward. The ATC is
following hygienic protocols and
level 3 cleaning every day. Commenting
on the short closure of
runway 31R, he said it is better
to do it now instead of during the
holidays or frigid weather.
Sal CBP’s Port Director Sal
Ingrassia said that the CBP is
ready for international travel increase.
CDC- Sarah Meehan said
there will be random international
health compliance checks which
she says will not hinder travel.
She has circulated scripts for airlines
and has issued FAQs for
the new international travel rules
to the U.S.
TSA FISD John Bambury
spoke about the requirement
for vaccinations for federal employees.
They must be vaccinated
or have submitted for an
accommodation. He said that at
JFK almost every employee is
complying. Everyone has met
the minimum requirement so far
and those who do not comply will
receive progressive discipline.
Looking forward to the anticipated
Holiday traffic he does not
think there will be need for additional
PAPD-crime remains relatively
low down 38% pre covid.
Command making efforts on illegal
HACK problem. Issued 307
violations and 423 general summons
for illegal cars. The department
is In the midst of a homeless
plan and working closed
with Urban Pathways to keep
homeless away from the airport.
As a consequence there are very
few homeless in terminals.
. There are some upcoming
overnight maintenance matters
but shuttle buses will be running
during these periods.
Everett closed the meeting
with a salute to Veterans and
wishing everyone a Happy and
safe Thanksgiving.
ULDs must be claimed or will be removed.