Bartlett Dairy ground breaking in the GatewayJFK IBID. This is the first new major project in the area near the airport on Rockaway Blvd. providing jobs for the neighborhood and easily
accessable by public transportation by the Gateway Shuttle.
NYCAR October 27 Meeting Focus on
PANYNJ Draft 14 CFR Part 150
“A regularly scheduled quarterly
meeting of the New York
Community Aviation Roundtable
(NYCAR) was held on October
27 and was attended by representatives
for Congressional,
New York State, and New York
City elected officials. There was
also representation by Community
Boards, airport and airline
industry stakeholders, and the
general public.
The meeting was opened by
Co-Chairs Barbara Brown and
Warren Schreiber with a discussion
concerning the long awaited
Port Authority Draft 14 CFR Part
150 Airport Noise and Land Use
Compatibility Planning Studies.
Following release of the Draft Reports,
virtual Public Information
Workshops and Hearings were
held LGA and JFK Airports. The
long anticipated Draft Reports
were discussed in detail, and
the consensus from both LGA
and JFK Airport Committees was
general disappointment. The
Measures contained in the Draft
Reports appear to be minimal
for any meaningful noise abatement
in communities impacted
by excessive aircraft noise. The
JFK Committee presented additional
recommendations including
a limit of no more than 65
flights per hour, consideration
of expansion of other airports
such as McArthur, Westchester
and NY Stewart Airports, reduction
in nighttime flights, changing
the use of the 65DNL metric, setting
aside a fund to compensate
residents for medical bills for victims
of adverse environmental
harm and risks caused by aircraft
noise, studies on health effects
of airport related noise and air
pollution, limiting access to JFK
based on aircraft type and number,
and other recommendations
including avigation easements
and real estate disclosures of incompatible
land use.
Similarly, the LGA Committee
expressed dissatisfaction
with Measures contained in the
Draft Report offering potential
minimal relief for noise abatement,
and the possible multiyear
duration of implementation,
should the FAA approve measures
proposed by the Port Authority.
Congresswoman Grace
Meng, Sixth District, issued a
Press Release and wrote directly
to Executive Director Rick
Cotton stating: “While I am optimistic
about the proposed noise
abatement measures outlined in
the Draft Report, I believe the
plan does not go far enough to
improve the quality of life of the
Queens residents affected by
airport noise”. Congresswoman
Meng, along with New York State
and New York City elected officials,
submitted recommendations
at LGA including increased
flight disbursal utilizing a combination
of flight procedures, immediate
implementation of Noise
Abatement Departure Procedure
1 on Runway 13, reduced usage
of Runway 13 departures,
expansion of sound-insulation
of eligible residential units to include
residences outside of the
DNL65 contours, new flight procedures
to expand airspace between
LGA and JFK, recognition
that the TNNIS procedure
causes intolerable excessive aircraft
noise, improved Air Traffic
Controller noise sensitivity training
and management oversight,
among other recommendations.
The FAA presented a community
engagement video produced
to answer questions raised about
the complexity of airspace in the
New York area and the necessity
to use the TNNIS departure
procedure at LGA when aircraft
were landing at JFK. It was noted
that actions taken at one airport,
have an immediate effect on decisions
made by another airport.
With the expansion of arrivals
and departures at the same time
at JFK, certain decisions were
made at LGA to deconflict the airspace.
The community engagement
video explained how flight
procedure decisions are made
due to passenger and operational
demands, which caused a
“rush hour in the sky” but there
was no mention concerning the
health risks or quality of life issues
on residential communities
impacted by excessive aircraft
noise. NYCAR anticipates further
discussion by FAA environmental
specialists who will address
these health concerns. It
was recommended the FAA review
the multitude of health studies
completed since the 1970’s.
Calls for SALT repeal
Congressmen Unite
Congressmen Tom Suozzi and
Gregory Meeks last week joined southeast
Queens residents in St. Albans
Park to call for the repeal of the SALT
cap, which limits the amount of state
and local taxes that homeowners can
deduct from their returns.At the Oct.
29 press conference, the middle-class
homeowners shared their stories of
tax increases due to the $10,000 SALT
cap, part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
(TCJA) of 2017 issued by former President
Donald Trump.Both Suozzi and
Meeks called for the $1.85 trillion social
infrastructure package under negotiation
in Washington, DC to repeal
the cap on the state and local tax deduction.
Governor backs “Build
Back Better Will help
NY’s economic growth
"Congress has made good on its
promise to deliver infrastructure funding
through the Infrastructure Investment
and Jobs Act, meaning New York
will be able to make critical investments
in our roads, bridges, and transit. This
funding also helps make our infrastructure
more resilient to climate change
and will expand access to clean water,
supporting New York's economic
growth and improving public health.