Victoria Schneps-Yunis
Joshua Schneps
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PUBLISHER & EDITOR: Jeffrey Yapalater • V.P. OF ADVERTISING: Ralph D’Onofrio
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Robb Pozarycki • COPY EDITOR: Emily Davenport
ART DIRECTOR: Leah Mitch • WEB DESIGNER: Sylvan Migdal
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Airport Voice
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Jeff Yapalater
Airport Service Quality (ASQ) Q3 2021
JFK, LGA & EWR Performance results
“Airport Service Quality (ASQ) is the
world’s leading airport passenger service
and benchmarking program. ASQ asks
passengers to rate their level of satisfaction
on a number of items they encounter during
the airport experience. Of these items,
employee courteousness and helpfulness
have proven to be two of the most critical
inputs into how customers rate their overall
airport experience.
Quarterly surveys inside the airport
meeting various sampling parameters
and completion requirements; passengers
complete the ASQ survey in-person using
a tablet • Survey covers 33 service areas/
touch points and creates an industry standard
set of responses that allows Port Authority
to benchmark results against peer
The Port Authority developed the WE
SOAR service values as a tool to educate
employees about the expectations for
how they interact with customers. The WE
SOAR program has evolved to include engagement
mechanisms such as rewards
and recognition to motivate employees.
We use ASQ scores on employee courteousness
and helpfulness as a data point to
make program adjustments and gauge effectiveness.”
-All three Port Authority airports improved
from Q3’19, but compared to last
quarter, satisfaction declined at EWR and
JFK; no change at LGA
-Q3 2021 results reinforce importance
of brilliant basics such as cleanliness, in
the face of increasing passenger volumes;
experience at security is problematic
-JFK and EWR demonstrated some
reduced performance on key satisfaction
drivers in Q3’21 and JFK and EWR missed
nearly all performance goals
-Brilliant basics such as ambience,
washrooms, and waiting areas remain important
for passengers but showed poorer
performance in Q3 2021
-LGA- LGA results indicate “security” as
the most frequently
mentioned topic, followed by “wait
times”; passengers also indicate concerns
about long walks and the cost of food
-LGA improved by 18% over Q3’19 and
maintained performance with Q2’21, despite
global trends indicating declines from
Q2’21 • Passengers traveling entirely out
of the new Terminal B rated overall satisfaction
4.51, ranking in the top 8 airports
in North America • LGA met most facilityrelated
ASQ goals in Q3’21
New discretionary procurement policy from Port
Increases direct solicitation of certified MBEs.
Become certified for opportunities
At the August PANYNJ
monthly commissioners meeting,
in furtherance of its commitment
to advancing opportunities
for minority- and woman-owned
businesses, the Port Authority
Board of Commissioners
amended its policy to allow for
the increase of the threshold for
the direct solicitation of agencycertified
Minority-owned Business
Enterprises (MBEs) and
Woman-owned Business Enterprises
(WBEs) on certain
smaller contracts to promote
competition and provide for
more diverse and inclusive contract
The new discretionary small
contract procurement program
is designed to reduce the disparity
and under-utilization of
certain racial, ethnic and gender
groups that meet the qualifications
required to deliver certain
Port Authority projects, to ensure
that they are able to compete
for agency contracts.
The Port Board vote authorizes
the Port Authority to directly
solicit PA-certified, underutilized
MWBE firms to
participate in competitive procurements
regarding construction
and goods and services,
including professional services.
The procurement program involves
contracts of up to $2.5
million for construction solicitations
and up to $1.5 million for all
other solicitations.
“The Port Authority’s commitment
to supporting programs
designed to promote inclusiveness
in contracts for construction
and services is unwavering,”
said Port Chair Kevin O’Toole.
“Today’s action continues the
Board’s effort to enhance and
improve the process of selecting
certified minority- and womanowned
enterprises for Port Authority
“We recognize the critical
role that MWBEs play in local
communities and in the
regional economy and we are
committed to reducing the historic
disparity in the Port Authority’s
contracts with MWBE
firms,” said Port Authority Executive
Director Rick Cotton.
“This program will maintain a
competitive procurement process
and boost direct contracting
opportunities for MWBEs
with the agency.”
“We are confident that the
program will address disparities
in utilization of MWBEs,” said
Port Authority Chief Diversity
& Inclusion Officer Michael G.
In 2017, the Port Authority
hired Mason Tillman Associates,
Ltd. (MT) to conduct a
Disparity Study, which included
research and review of MWBE
contract awards to determine
whether disparities existed between
the availability of MWBE
firms in the marketplace and the
utilization of MWBE firms by the
Port Authority.
MT’s findings in 2018 led the
Board of Commissioners to establish
a requirement that Port
Authority contracts include good
faith participation goals of 20
percent by MBEs and 10 percent
by WBEs on all prime contracts,
with an objective of increasing
subcontracting opportunities for
MBE and WBE firms. In 2021,
at the request of the agency,
MT refreshed its study and concluded
that disparities continued
to exist.
The new discretionary small
contracts procurement program
is intended to create additional
opportunities for MWBEs
to compete for direct contract
awards with the Port Authority in
a continuing effort to reduce the
disparities identified in the latest
MT study.
Once certified by the Port
Authority as an MWBE, a business
is eligible to participate in
the Port Authority’s supplier diversity
program. The Port Authority
provides information
on opportunities for local businesses
to become certified with
the agency and throughout the
year, and hosts various industry
information sessions, workshops,
apprenticeship programs
and job fairs.
To become a certified MWBE
with the Port Authority, here is
the link. https://panynj.diversitysoftware.