LIC fi nally gets stop signs at busy corner
It took many years of
fighting, but the city finally
listened to Long Island City
residents and installed two
all-way stop signs at the
corner of 46th Avenue and 5th
Street in Long Island City.
City Councilman Jimmy
Van Bramer and Department
of Transportation (DOT)
officials joined local residents
at the intersection Jan. 17 to
celebrate the installation of
the signs.
Van Bramer had spent
seven years pushing the
DOT to install the signs at
the corner, which is close to
PS/IS 78, Queens West Sports
Field and the Dog Park of
Gantry Plaza State Park.
“Nothing is more
important than keeping
our children safe, and the
installation of this new stop
sign is a hard-earned victory
for the parents, students,
and residents of Long Island
City,” said Van Bramer.
Van Bramer and
DOT Queens Borough
City Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer and DOT Queens Borough Commissioner Nicole Garcia joined Long
Island City residents at the corner of 46th Avenue and 5th Street on Jan. 17 to celebrate two new stop
signs at the intersection. Photo by Alejandra O’Connell-Domenech
Commissioner Nicole Garcia
joined members of the
Gantry Parent Association,
parents, faculty and PS/IS 78
elementary school students
for the unveiling.
Three of the students
hugged one of the stop signs
before Van Bramer spoke.
After initially denying
Van Bramer’s request for
a stop sign, the DOT reevaluated
this intersection
for an all-way stop sign, as
part of an ongoing effort to
review streets in this growing
and dynamic neighborhood
and implement traffic and
safety enhancements.
The DOT installed the stop
signs in early January and
had previously installed a
curb extension to calm traffic
at this location. In the Spring
of 2018 the DOT painted the
crosswalk on 46th Avenue to
help deter rolling stops.
“DOT is committed to
working in Long Island
City to make this growing
community’s streets safer
for everyone who uses them,”
said Garcia.
The commissioner assured
those in attendance that the
DOT acted with appropriate
speed when it came installing
the stop signs.
Garcia mentioned that
the DOT had to repeatedly
study vehicle and foot
traffic in the area with each
speed deterring measure
they took.
“This is a science,” said
Garcia. In a press release,
she added that the agency
“is committed to working
in Long Island City to make
this growing community’s
streets safer for everyone
who uses them.”
Reach reporter Alejandra
O’Connell-Domenech by
e-mail at adomenech@qns.
com or by phone at (718) 224-
5863 ext. 226.
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