father’s day
Thanks, Dad: 5 special things you
can do for your father this season
He was there when you rode your bike
for the fi rst time, got behind the wheel of
a car and when you simply couldn’t fi gure
out algebra. Your dad has been there
for you through the good and the bad
and he’s given you so much that you can’t
help but want to give back.
Now’s the perfect time. Whether you
do it for Father’s Day, his birthday, anniversary
or a simple surprise Tuesday, anytime
can be the perfect backdrop to show
Dad just how much he’s meant to you and
it all starts with these tips.
• Celebrate his interests. What does your
dad love to do? Whatever it is, do it with
him. Whether it’s a fi shing trip to his
favorite lake, tickets to watch his favorite
team play or even a surprise trip to
the destination he’s always wanted to
visit, Dad will love the gift even more if
it means spending time with you.
• Indulge him with the latest tech. If your
dad is a gadget guy, now is the perfect
time to indulge him with the latest technology.
One way to do this is to solve
the WiFi troubles in his home with eero,
a reliable and secure home WiFi solution.
Instead of relying on a single router
to cover the entire home, eero will
provide WiFi to every room. No more
dead spots, slow spots or drop-off s; it’s
the perfect solution for total WiFi coverage.
And it’s secure - unlike traditional
routers, eero receives regular security
updates automatically, so no more
searching, downloading or installing
• Th ink of everything. Th is sounds daunting
at fi rst, of course, but one of the best
gift s you can give Dad is a day away
from the pressures he normally feels.
Th at means if you plan to spend the
day with him doing one of the activities
listed above, plan that activity out
to the last detail so he only has to go
along for the ride. And if you’re not
planning to do such an excursion, your
dad will appreciate your help with a job
on his to-do list. Painting, yard work or
errands, the more you can do for him,
the less stress he’ll feel.
• Create a scrapbook. From social media
to computers and cloud storage, fi nding
the photos and videos that relive
important life moments has never been
easier. Use them and create a scrapbook
or digital memento for your father.
Celebrate some of your greatest adventures
together and you’ll create a keepsake
he’ll cherish forever.
• Say thank you. Th is one is so simple
it’s amazing how many people forget to
do it. At the same time, though, sometimes
a simple thank-you is all Dad
needs. Th ank him for everything he
has brought to your life. Th ank him for
teaching you to ride a bike, drive a car
or trying to teach you algebra. Let him
know that you appreciate everything he
has done for you and you’ll truly deliver
your father a one-of-a-kind present.
Courtesy BPT