Q: I was a 19-year old student participating in a study-abroad program.
I had limited knowledge of the language and was living in a small town, in an
apartment provided by the program. The program also provided counselors
in order to help with medical issues. They would set up medical appointments
for us and would acutally accompany us to the appointments.
Unbeknownst to me, an ex-convict was also enrolled in the program.
His application for the program revealed his record of incarceration. One day,
the other participant playfully pushed me off a cliff. When physical therapy
was prescribed for my injuries, the program refused to arrange for that
treatment. As a result, my recovery was compromised.
A: It seems unlikely that you can obtain a recovery on the basis of the
doctrine of in loco parentis: at your age level, a school generally is considered to
have no legal duty to shield you from the dangerous activity of other students.
More likely, your attorney will argue that the program’s relationship
with you created a duty to provide you with all necessary medical care. Even if
the program did not explicitly agree to do so, it was in the best position to
protect against the risk of harm, and the program’s pervasive involvement and
control with regard to medical issues gave rise to a duty of care, which sadly
was breached.
Dr. Ronit Vilan has been in practice for
over 23 years. She is a holistic chiropractor
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Dana E. Malave, CHHC has been in practice for 10 years. She works with
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comes from IIN. (Institute for Integrated Nutrition).
I have always lived a holistic lifestyle. When I learned of the philosophy of
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