Queensborough graduates class as longtime president retires
Queensborough Community College’s
57th commencement ceremony, held on
June 1 at the Bayside campus, proved to be
especially bittersweet this year.
President Diane B. Call, who will retire
from Queensborough Community College
this summer, received a standing ovation
from students, alumni, faculty, staff , friends
and legislators for her tireless dedication and
service to the college for 47 years.
Dr. Call has served in all major areas
of administration and academics at
Queensborough, and for the last eight years
has the added distinction of being the college’s
fi rst female president.
President Call, along with two student
awardees, welcomed graduates, family
and friends in Spanish, Mandarin, Creole,
Korean, Farsi, Hindi and Urdu. Th e college’s
student body has roots in 127 countries
of origin, with 78 native languages represented.
Many are the fi rst in their family to
attend college.
President Call noted, “Each of you has a personal
story of courage, determination and sacrifi
ce to achieve the dream of a better life for you
and your family with education.”
Th is year, more than 2,300 students graduated
from Queensborough. Some will go on to
university study at CUNY or SUNY schools,
while others have chosen to attend private
colleges including New York University,
Columbia University, Hofstra University,
St. John’s University, Adelphi University,
University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins
University and Cornell University.
Students also graduated from rigorous
career programs in the health, business and
technology fi elds.
Additional highlights of the ceremony
included a salute to the graduating students
who served in the military. Th ey were asked
to stand to be recognized for their valor, and
for protecting our freedoms and our way of
Call also presented Presidential Awards to
the following students:
• Nazia Bonori: Th e Martin Luther King, Jr.
Award for exceptional leadership in promoting
racial harmony and appreciation of
cultural diversity.
• Mabely Salvador: Th e 2016 John F.
Kennedy Memorial Award for demonstrating
outstanding college and community
leadership, as well as scholastic achievement.
• Sarah Aguirre: Ray Ricketts Memorial
Award presented to a returning student
who exhibits exceptional scholarship and
• Mouad Chemrah: President’s Award
for Outstanding Achievement in the
Associate in Applied Science Degree.
• Xi Chen (Chelsea): President’s Award
for Outstanding Achievement in the
Associate in Science Degree.
• Joelle Desrosiers: President’s Award
for Outstanding Achievement in the
Associate in Arts Degree.
Distinguished guests included state
Senator Toby Ann Stavisky, Councilman
Barry Grodenchik and Assemblyman David
I. Weprin, who presented President Call with
a proclamation, in recognition of her outstanding
contribution to higher education.
Photos courtesy of Queensborough Community College