WWW.QNS.COM RIDGEWOOD TIMES APRIL 13, 2017 49 Across 1. Place 7. Use a scale 12. Peninsula between the Red Sea and Persian Gulf 13. Herald 17. Most contemptible 18. Dance student presentations 19. Be a snitch 20. Capital of Jordan 21. “Sesame Street” watcher 22. Male friend from one’s neighborhood (slang) 23. Comparative word 24. Buggy terrain 25. Length x width, for a rectangle 26. Average guys 27. More exposed 28. Anger, e.g. 29. Charlie, for one 30. Legal prefix 31. Stoppered rubber warming containers (3 wds) 36. Had on 37. “How ___!” 38. Marienbad, for one 39. Grafting shoot 41. Accomplishment 42. Hurting 43. Full house, e.g. 44. Miniature sci-fi vehicles 45. Sheds tears 46. “Go on ...” 47. Brings home 48. Assayers’ stuff 49. Beam where upper rafters attach 51. Astronomy Muse 53. Condition of being moist, fresh and pure 54. Airline porter 55. Bridge positions 56. Compliance Down 1. Family retriever dog, for short 2. Handel bars 3. Hinged sash (2 wds) 4. Evergreen ornamental shrubs in Asia and Mexico 5. Fine thread 6. “Dig in!” 7. Display of kindness, sympathy and generosity 8. Injections of liquid into the rectum 9. Member of the Quechuan people in Peru 10. Enter (2 wds) 11. QB’s cry 14. Study of the physical world (2 wds) 15. Copy 16. Banana oil, e.g. 20. Agreeing (with) 22. Chop finely 24. Blowgun ammo 26. Burlap fiber 27. Diminish 29. Mountain pool 30. Sulk 32. Golf club 33. Chutzpah 34. Inhabitant of ancient Ephesus 35. “___ who?” 39. Archaeological find 40. Birchbark 41. Dense growth of trees 42. Impressive displays or collections 44. Peels 45. Wine stoppers 47. “Empedocles on ___” (Matthew Arnold poem) 50. “A pox on you!” 51. Cable network HOW TO SOLVE 52. Appropriate Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each column must contain the numbers 1 to 9; and each set of 3 by 3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9 Answers to Last Week’s Sudoku Answers to Last Week’s Crossword SUDOKU
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