

46 APRIL 13, 2017 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HOME SERVICES CALL YOUR NEIGHBOR JOE SALK 718-418-9088 For Painting, Wallpaper, Waterproo�� ng & General Repairs, Over 35 Years Trusted, Experienced. Customer References available. Free Estimates! A/C HOME APPLIANCE REPAIR Specializing: Refrigerators, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Window Unit A/C, Elec. & Gas Range/Ovens + Minor Electrical Work Contact Sam Repair Service 1-718-296-3849 or 718-389-2068 AREA APPLIANCE SERVICE No Service Charge with Repairs Ask About Our Guarantees. MENTION 10% OFF! CALL To Place 718-821-7500 YOUR LEGAL NOTICES TUTORING HOME SERVICES THIS AD & GET HOME SERVICES RICHARD D LIC. ELECTRICIAN REASONABLE RATES Residential, Commercial, Industrial Free estimates Lic #11847. Call for emergency service 917-771-3581 718-894-0237 PAINTER Experienced English German Speaking. No Job Too Small. Free Estimates. Call Christian 516-499-0252 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Repairs • Improvements Renovations Reliable, Punctural, Affordable OWNER, FREE ESTIMATES 718-734-1197 HOME SERVICES SAVE $$$ 7 Days A Week Refrigerators, Washers/ Dryers, Ranges- Gas/Electric & Dishwashers SERVICE WITHIN 24 HRS ������������������������������������������������������ We Will Beat Any Price! Licensed & Certified Factory Trained Technicians HIGH GRADE TUTORING SERVICES All subjects. All levels. Experienced Teachers in your home. REASONABLE RATES (718) 740-5460 RENTING? SELLING? Advertise your property here in the Call 718-821-7500 REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON MV location, fl ex up time or work from home. Confi dential interview. Call Lou Campione, Real Estate Broker 718-326-3003 SALESPERSON WANTED to sell advertising in the Ridgewood, Glendale, Maspeth and Middle Village areas. Work P/T or F/T. Make your own hours. Call for an appt. BOB 718-224-5863 ext. 228 Queens Based Company Is Looking For A Full Time/Part Time ACCOUNT SPECIALIST Must be people friendly and have some sales experience. Car necessary and knowledge of Ridgewood, Glendale and surrounding areas. If you have free time and want to make extra income then please call: 718-224-5863 X-228 SECRETARY Position, willing to train, fl uent in English/ Spanish, PT/FT. Email resume [email protected] PRAYERS MEDICAL ASSISTANT PART TIME ( includes Saturday) Medical Assistant needed; certifi ed for blood work. Spanish speaking; immediate hire. Fax resume to: 718-381-0681 SENIOR SERVICES SENIOR SERVICES ATTENTION SENIORS! DO YOU KNOW ANYONE IN COMMUNITY BOARD 5 WHO NEEDS HELP? SHOPPING, LAUNDRY, PRESCRIPTION DROP OFF &B PICK-UP, TRIP TO POST OFFICE. If so, call the Ridgewood Older Adult Center. Ask for Jackie 718-456-2000 Service are only $5.00 per hour. THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYERS. F.A. HVAC Fabrication Shop looking for SHEET METAL MECHANICS & HELPERS. Call 718-381-8100 THANK YOU ST. HOLY SPIRIT FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYERS. F.A. THANK YOU ST. HOLY SPIRIT FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYERS. F.A. PHARMACY TECHNICIAN/CASHIER Part Time With Alternate Weekends Pharmacy on Knickerbocker Avenue seeking Pharmacy Technician/Cashier. Must speak Spanish & be a fast learner. Please fax resume 718-381-0681 TELEMARKETERS Part Time �� exiable hours, with special hours for students. Salary + commission. Glendale Queens. Call Mr. Roberts 718-418-6589 Sales/Company Representative Since 1924, family owned business of uniform/work garment/career apparel supply, lease/rental and direct sale in NY. Includes salary + commission, medical coverage etc., company vehicle. Many established accounts, you are not out seeking new business only. Other services provided also. Training is provided, only experienced, ambitious candidates will be considered. Email resume to [email protected], or fax to 718-389-9644. Personal Sales Assistant Since 1924, family owned business for uniform/ work garment/ career apparel supply. Offi ce person as assistant/clerk/general offi ce work. Many varied in house projects using Microsoft Offi ce and our custom software. Seeking a person with ambitious and enthusiastic outlook. Excellent medical coverage, & benefi ts. Experience needed. Email resume to [email protected], or fax to 718-389-9644. FACTORY WORKER Qns. Manf. seeks an individual to assist in fi nishing processes. Responsible for painting equipment, must be organize, work well with others & willing to work overtime. Call ask for Robert 718-417-9100 MEDICAL ASSIST Pediatrics/Family Practice FT. Must have 2 yrs exp., computer knowledge, spanish speaking a +. Fax res 718-894-3472 RECEPTIONIST With experience, for fast pace clinic. Bilingual Spanish a must. Please Fax resume 347-889-6989 CALL To Place FOR ALL THE NEWS 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK GO TO WWW.QNS.COM YOUR 718-821-7500 LEGAL NOTICES Experienced Cleaners Wanted Commercial/ Residential Queens Company – Background Check Call 718-326-8761

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