

WWW.QNS.COM RIDGEWOOD TIMES APRIL 13, 2017 13 OP-ED America needs an independent Russia inquiry BY CONGRESSMAN JOE CROWLEY Our nation’s democratic process came under attack in 2016. Russian forces bent on infl uencing the results of our presidential elections infi ltrated American institutions. Five months later, the American people hear daily about the far-toocozy relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin and our own president, Donald Trump. Those facts are undeniable – and deeply troubling. This is why many of my colleagues in the House are so focused on probing the extent of Russia’s actions leading up to November 2016 and Putin’s infl uence over the White House. And there are still too many unknowns on the scope of Russia’s subterfuge. For instance: What are President Trump’s fi nancial interests in Russia? What, if any, infl uence does Putin have over senior Trump administration and campaign offi cials? Why did the Russians infi ltrate American state voter databases? How many times did Russia spread disinformation about the elections across the internet in the United States? Without a thorough, independent and fair investigation into Russia’s infl uence, we may never know. The House and Senate both have ongoing probes into these matters, but these may not be enough to fi nally uncover the truth. You only need to look at the House investigation to see how politics has already invaded what is supposed to be an independent probe. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a Republican who served on President Trump’s transition team, was forced last week to recuse himself from the investigation aft er he damaged his credibility when he chose to serve the White House instead of the American people. When Nunes accepted documents from the White House, kept that intelligence from Democratic members of the committee and mislead the public about the source of his information, he showed that Republicans are not seriously invested in discovering the truth. And it demonstrates so clearly why an independent investigation is needed. Given the likelihood that Putin will try to interfere in one of our future elections, protecting our democratic process – the foundation of our republic – is paramount. There is the prospect that an independent investigation will turn up nothing – that the dozens of meetings between Trump campaign and Russian offi cials were nothing sinister, but just an unfortunate series of coincidences. That President Trump’s refusal to condemn Putin as a threat to U.S. interests isn’t appeasement, but just stunningly bad judgment. But if there isn’t an independent investigation, how can we ever really know? This question cannot go unanswered. Congressman Joe Crowley, who represents Queens and the Bronx, is the chairman of the House Democratic Caucus. LETTERS AND COMMENTS GIRL SHOULDN’T HAVE DIED FOR HER PHONE Regarding this Rego Park girl who was fatally hit by a train: This is so sad, how awful. I saw a young girl trying to get on the tracks at Jackson Heights a couple of weeks ago, I went over to her and she told me she was trying to get her phone. I told her she can’t go on the tracks and she should go to a station worker. She got up and walked away. The train station was packed! It was 8:20 a.m. mid week – one other girl was just standing beside her watching her – no one else seemed to even see her! People – say something, these kids panic when they lose their phones – they need someone with a clear head to stop them. QNS user Carmel Dolan ‘QUEENSWAY’ IS A WALL IN DISGUISE: READER The QueensWay is actually a “QueensWall” barrier. Queens has hundreds of acres of parks. We have bike lanes and bike trails and streets that people can ride bikes on. This is QueensWall BS. The number one reason they want this park is to stop the train from uniting Queens. They don’t want the train so they made up this ploy to stop it. Do we need more parks that will divide our people with longer commutes? Commuters need to get to work, home, school and to parks with faster and safer transit options. The QueensRail would help us more that a park barrier that keeps people isolated and poor. Expand our subways including the QueensRail.QNS user Philip McManus OUTRAGE OVER SYRIAN CHEMICAL ATTACK Nerve gas has killed and injured more Syrians, which is a total atrocity. This attack by President al-Assad’s regime is a egregious and nefarious act against the Syrian people, which I find most appalling. Men, women and children in videos showed the pain these innocent people are suffering. The last administration under President Obama said he would draw the line on chemical weapons, well what happened? The world nations must be outraged over the use of banned weapons of mass destruction and the murder of civilian populations. At least with President Trump and as commander in chief he did what had to be done and ordered an attack on one of Syria’s bases and fi red about 60 missiles. This was in retaliation of the chemical attack on innocent people. Frederick R. Bedell Jr., Glen Oaks Village DE BLASIO’S TOO FAR TO THE LEFT FOR COMFORT Regarding Mayor de Blasio’s plans to move the 111th Street improvement forward in Corona: This pathetic fellow has no second thoughts, he prefers to push his insane far-left policies that will take money out of every taxpayer’s pocket in order to fund his political friends. Close Rikers Island and put jails in Flushing, in Jamaica. Is this what the citizens want? Let’s sum it up — powerful unions, powerful campaign donors and trendy causes get funded, schoolchildren and hard-working families get their pockets picked. New Yorkers can’t afford this guy, Election Day can’t come soon enough! QNS user Chicket A LOOK BACK Check out this photo from January 1936; it was taken from the tracks of the Long Island Rail Road’s Montauk branch at what was once the 80th Street railroad crossing in Glendale. The photographer is looking east toward Atlas Terminals, which would be transformed in the next century into The Shops at Atlas Park. Notice in the foreground the third rail along the tracks; the Montauk branch was electrifi ed for a period before ultimately being removed. Send us your historic photos of Queens by email to editorial@, or mail printed pictures to A Look Back, ℅ The Queens Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361. All mailed pictures will be carefully returned to you.

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