WWW.QNS.COM RIDGEWOOD TIMES APRIL 13, 2017 3 Glendale plans its fi rst neighborhood yard sale BY ANTHONY GIUDICE [email protected] @A_GIUDICEREPORT Glendale residents are ready for some heavy-duty spring cleaning — and selling — as more than 30 homes have signed up to be a part of the community’s fi rst-ever neighborhood-wide sidewalk sale on Saturday, April 22. After hearing rumblings from residents interested in a neighborhood yard sale on the Glendale Civic Association Facebook page, Michelle Cook-Lopez, owner of Cook’s Craft s on Myrtle Avenue, and Kathy Masi, Community Board 5 member, decided to organize Glendale’s fi rst large-scale yard sale. Taking tips and pointers from Ed Wendell, who helps run Woodhaven’s neighborhood yard sale every September, Lopez was able to create a spreadsheet and map with all participating homes’ addresses and the times they will be selling. “This is our fi rst time running it, so we’re not really sure what to expect,” Lopez said regarding the turnout. “Based on what Woodhaven does, they usually have around 40 or 50 homes participate, so we want to try and beat them. Maybe we can get a little neighborhood rivalry going between us for fun.” Starting at 9 a.m. on April 22, participating homes will set up shop, selling everything and anything they want to get rid of, including toys, games, adult and children’s clothing, electronics and appliances, jewelry and furniture. “It is basically a spring cleanout of what people want to re-gift to someone else,” Lopez said. “You know, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” To help promote the sale, Masi and others have been hanging fl yers for the event at local businesses across Glendale. So far, 30 homes have been listed on the community spreadsheet, with more being added every day. Lopez will update the participation sheet and map with more addresses as the date of the sale gets closer. “It gives everyone the opportunity to get out on the same day,” Masi said. “The younger kids look forward to this. It’s just a lot of fun. We have some new neighbors in Glendale, so it’s a great way to mingle with the neighbors.” Photo via Shutterstock/Inset via fi le photo Masi has even decided that the money she makes selling her jewelry will go toward purchasing food for the Sacred Heart food pantry, further bettering the neighborhood. In case of inclement weather, the rain date for the sidewalk sale will be the following day, Sunday, April 23. If anyone is interested in participating in the event, they can reach out on the Glendale Civic Association Facebook page, or email Glendalecivic11385@ gmail.com to have their address put into the spreadsheet and on the map. (877) 786-6560 • myNYCB.com Personal Personal Injury Injury -• Workers'Workers’ Compensation Compensation •- Criminal Defense Defense •- Real Real Estate Estate ARRESTED? INJURED ON THE JOB? INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENT? INJURED AT A CONSTRUCTION SITE? INVOLVED IN A BUS OR TRACTOR-TRAILER ACCIDENT? OUR LAWYERS ARE AVAILABLE WHEN EMERGENCIES HAPPEN 24 HOURS A DAY AND WE HAVE RECOVERED MILLIONS FOR OUR INJURED CLIENTS! WE ALSO SPEAK FRENCH-CREOLE, GREEK, RUSSIAN, AND SPANISH! The Grigoropoulos Law Group PLLC, is a law firm serving clients in all five New York boroughs, as well as Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties. We represent clients who are seriously injured as a result of motor vehicle accidents, slip/trip and fall accidents, constructions accidents or accidents in the workplace. Our experience coupled with our "shark" attitude sets us apart from other firms and our attorneys know what will drive litigation and what wins cases. riminal cases defending felony and misdemeanor charges! Call today for a free consultation! Chrissy Grigoropoulos, Esq. THE GRIGOROPOULOS LAW GROUP PLLC 60-93 Myrtle Avenue - Suite 1 Ridgewood NY 11385 (718) 249-7447 (929) 900-LAW1 www.GrigorLawGroup.com Founding Partner
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