

20 APRIL 13, 2017 RIDGEWOOD TIMES WWW.QNS.COM MAUNDY THURSDAY APRIL 13 SERVICE 7PM GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 14 SERVICE 5:30PM EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 16 RESURRECTION OF THE LORD WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:00 A.M. Church of Resurrection 85-09 118th Street, Kew Gardens / Richmond Hill Rev. Joshua Samuel, Priest-In-Charge 718-847-2649 Website: HOLY WEEK & EASTER SERVICES MAUNDY THURSDAY 7:00 PM – Holy Eucharist with Agape Meal GOOD FRIDAY 12 NOON – Solemn Service of the Passion HOLY SATURDAY 7:00 PM – The Great Vigil of Easter EASTER SUNDAY 10:00 AM – Festal Eucharist of Easter The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Serving the Community Since 1874 Holy Week at TRINITY-ST. ANDREW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH of Maspeth HOLY WEEK Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Service @ 9 am MAUNDY THURSDAY Holy Eucharist @ 6pm GOOD FRIDAY Solemn Liturgy Resurrection of the Lord @ 3pm Stations of the Cross @6pm EASTER SUNDAY Easter Eucharist @ 10 am Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Invites You to Holy Week Services Maundy Thursday, April 13 Holy Communion @ 10:30am & 7:30pm Good Friday, April 14 Proper Liturgy of Good Friday @ 12:00 Noon & 7:30pm Holy Saturday, April 15 The Great Vigil of Easter @ 7:30pm The Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Sunday, April 16 Holy Communion @ 10:30am 63-70 DRY HARBOR ROAD MIDDLE VILLAGE, NY 11379 718-335-7300 HOLY WEEK Trinity Reformed Church 6630 60th Place Ridgewood NY 11385 (corner of 60th and Palmetto St) 718-821-2700 Blessing of Paschal Candle Renewal of Baptismal Vows and Special Music 60th Street & 60th Avenue 718-821-6662

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