First up: The Lunch Bunch
Thursday, November 18, 12:00 pm
Towers on the Green
Guest Speaker: Dr. Nurit Israeli
Pre-Thanksgiving and holiday kick-off for the
Lunch Bunch gives that group a new direction,
and growing in stature. The last Lunch Bunch
event drew a full tent of about 40 people. The
enthusiastic response spotlighted support for
future programs in a redefined way.
Co-chairs Eva Kessner and Marilyn Goldberg
are busy working on the next get-together which
will be held on Thursday, November 18 at 12:00
p.m. This holiday kick-off will be a luncheon
held at Towers on the Green with Dr, Nurit
Israeli providing her professional wisdom on
the subject of “Friendship.”
Included in future Lunch Bunch events will
be speakers in varied areas of interests of our
members. The luncheon is open to all dues-pay-ing
members of the Women’s Club, old and new
members as well. There will be a set menu of
dining choices and reservations are necessary.
The cost of the luncheon for members is $15,
with the Club subsiding anything additional.
How to sign up? Make $15 check out to NST
Women’s Club. Give envelope to building con-cierge
with building rep’s name. Open seating
(please note: payment must be by check only,
no cash can be accepted)
Building #1 Selma Baumgarten 1N
Building #2 Marilyn Goldberg 9M
Building#3 Eva Kessner 24V
A recent new addition to the Lunch Bunch is
a database called “Games for Dames.” The roster
provides members with contact info for inclusion
in Mah Jongg, Bridge or Canasta games. The
program is headed by Phyllis Dieber at 516-
448-6676. During the winter months the contact
person is Judy Paris, emailjudyparis@twc.com.
So we’ll be looking for you to share a meal,
a warm hello, and a few hours with the ladies
who lunch.
It’s in the works
and it’s happening….
Co-President and
Program Chair Gloria
Beck is forming a
mini-series of four
classes with Professor
James Coll, Adjunct
Professor of American
and Constitutional
History at Hofstra
University and Nassau
Community College.
Professor Coll will
draw from his areas of expertise in the fields of
government and history to provide Women’s
Club members with academic and insightful
programs during the winter months of January
and February. Understanding the challenges
of today’s world in relation to laws and its
limitations will provide members with great
We thank Gloria for her tireless and creative
efforts in providing this stimulating and innova-tive
program. Details will be available in future
issues of this newspaper and informational areas
in the Arcade, lobbies and mailroom. North
Shore Towers University….here we come!
On Thursday, October 17, the Women’s Club’s
highly successful Bingo Bash was held at Towers
on The Green. Over 75 members attended the
enjoyable evening of fun and camaraderie. Event
Chairman Dawn Steinberg was the caller and
creatively modified the direction of each game
for enhanced interest. Cash prizes were awarded
to the lucky win-ners:
Faith Wolitzer,
Norna Halperin,
Edith Pol lack,
Pat Brownridge,
Lorraine Panasci,
and Beverly
A cold buffet was
offered and des-serts
were served
to cap off the eve-ning,
Due to the
Pandemic, seating
was limited and a
waiting list had to be formed. We look forward
to holding this event again in the near future.
“The Meyerowitz Stories” (on Netflix)
Review: Monday November 29, 4 pm, Ch. 995
This comedy drama from
2017 was written and direct-ed
by Oscar nominated Noah
Baumbach, famed controver-sial
New York/Hollywood
artistic persona. Baumbaach
was born in Brooklyn and is
described as witty, insightful
and unapologetically New
York (he has been compared
to Woody Allen).
The all-star cast includes Dustin Hoffman,
Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Emma Thompson,
Candice Bergen, Elizabeth Marvel and Grace
Van Patten. The film addresses the dysfunctional
dynamics of a conflicted family struggling to
come to terms with their opinionated and dif-ficult
father who is at the end of his life. Their
patriarch, a bearded Dustin Hoffman, is a failed
sculptor who has had several marriages. A lot
of emotional and witty moments that are the
trademark of Baumbach also explore the clashes
of the siblings and how success is defined.
Randy Newman’s score is crucial to the film.
He wrote a song overnight which becomes the
Verse by Vicki
Whiling away many happy hours,
In this place called North Shore Towers.
Lots of good friendships made,
There’s always shopping in the arcade.
Fruits and vegetables galore,
You can also get a manicure.
Hair and clothes are on view,
A place to fill prescriptions too.
Something broken? No nonsense,
Just give a call to Maintenance.
Hungry? Make a little stop,
Have a meal in the coffee shop.
Wanna give your mind a little feed?
There’s newspapers for you to read.
Going on without conjecture,
You can even attend a lecture.
No need to become a sad sack,
Piano concerts coming back.
If you’re feeling a little groovy.
Off to the theater to see a movie.
Lots of things to view,
You can join a club or two.
So open your apartment door,
Say “Hi” to neighbors on your floor.
Take the elevator going down,
Put on a smile and lose the frown,
Take your pick of what to do
Make sure to join the Women’s Club too!
Professor James Coll
(L - R): Eva Kessner, Vicki Mazel, Chickie
Kaufman, Dawn Steinberg and Bobby Gould of
the NST Women’s Club at October Bingo Bash
Boffo Bingo Bash event
chair Dawn Steinberg