• Wednesday, May 15, 12 Noon:
Annual Spring Luncheon (Wait
list forming; check for availability)
Jolly Fisherman Restaurant/$27
per person including tax and tip
Please enclose seating requests
in the same envelope as your
check and leave with Concierges:
Building 1 -Anita Levien 347
Building 2-Marilyn Goldberg
347 502-7309
Building 3-Chickie Kaufman
718 819-08176
• Look for the return of popular
Max Alvarez "History of the
Hollywood Musical"
Wednesday June 12 - Downstairs
Card Room 7:15 PM
James Coll : Consititutional Law"
Wednesday July 17 - Downstairs
Card Room 7:15 PM
• Workshop and Special
Play Time with Eleanor Ulrich
- A Play Reading Group
Play Time will hold their next
meeting on Friday, May 3 and
Monday, May 6 in the Coleridge
Room. The play will be "The
Crucible." Anyone interested
should register with Eleanor at
718 225-0101, $10 for the book
must be paid before the meeting.
Interested? Call Anita, Marilyn,
or Chickie at the above numbers.
Tee Shirt Magic Workshop run
by Irene Frank
Thursday, May 23 1:30-3:30 in
the Coleridge Lounge. A deposit of
$5 is required. Please register with
Chickie Kaufman 718 819-0816.
• Still Popular...
Cinema Club covering "Never
Look Away" Monday April 22
11 a.m. in the movie theater - the
popular German blockbuster
about art, politics, history and
many other levels of interest. Our
club is growing and we encourage
all residents to attend. Look for
Lecturer Marilyn Carmino
notices in the mail rooms and at
the top of the steps leading to the
movie theater. We're the ones with
the yellow rose.
• In the works...
Lunch-Bunch Thursday,
June 13; place and time to be
announced.. Reservations are $5
ahead of time and will be returned
to you at the luncheon.
Barbara Goldstein, Social
Worker, is planning four consecutive
weeks of programs in
July. Topics and venue will be
announced. Participants will be
a maximum of 25 people.
Dr. Nurit Israel, clinical psychologist,
is preparing a special
program for our members dealing
with Post Traumatic Stress. Details
to follow
We welcome back our sisters
from North Shore Towers South
and look forward to reuniting with
them. Watch for our notices and
posters, and happy springtime!
Photos by Dawn Steinberg Celebrating Women's History
Month, the Women's
Club heard one of their
favorite lecturers when Marilyn
Carmino led a discussion on
Queen Elizabeth on Wednesday,
March 27th. Spotlighting the
early years, Ms. Carminio traced
the Queen’s progression from the
little school girl in the palace to
becoming the reigning monarch
of England. When her uncle
Edward abdicated the throne in
1939 to marry Wallace Simpson,
Elizabeth became next in line
after her father.
Commenting on the princess's
childhood, Ms. Carminio
described it as a happy one. She
had a passion for horses and dogs,
which she does to this present day.
She was taught that royalty comes
with responsibility and that "royals
need to be seen." Elizabeth and
her younger sister Margaret were
brought up in an adult world, and
except for each other they had no
other friends. Unlike her older sister,
Margaret was considered the
rebel and became the first tabloid
superstar in modern times.
In describing Elizabeth's life, it
was sometimes portrayed as "busy
doing nothing." She liked to read
historical fiction, sat for over one
hundred portraits, had 150 dolls,
was cautioned not to "fidget" and
had to be very self-disciplined.
Confidentiality was also considered
a very important value.
Carminio went on to discuss the
war years at a time when England
was very stoic. Germany turned
major activity towards bombing
in London, and the royal family
became patriotic symbols.
Elizabeth made broadcasts to the
English people and also was a
mechanic to help in the war effort.
She never faltered in her attitude
against Hitler. At the same time
she moved to Buckingham Palace,
which has 700 rooms.
Also descending from Victoria
and Albert, her cousin Phillip
was a dashing figure and beguiled
the young Elizabeth. They were
engaged in 1947 and she was 21
years old when they got married.
That marriage has lasted 72 years!
From royalty to presidents’ wives
to other famous women in history,
Marilyn Carminio's programs for
the Women's Club never fail to
illuminate the role women have
played throughout the centuries.
The Queen Scene
Women’s Club
Membership Info
Know someone who wants to become a member? Join the club,
join the fun, join us for programs of living, learning, music, luncheons
and most of all...friendship!
Dues information: $25 check- leave with Concierges:
Building 1-Anita Levien 347 408-4251
Building 2-Marilyn Goldberg 347 502-7309
Building 3-Chickie Kaufman 718 819 -0816