All Aboard!
It was a full house in NST’s
movie theater on Thursday,
Mar. 21, when the Board of
Directors held its first open board
meeting of 2019. In addition to the
full board, NST General Manager
Glen Kotowski and legal
counsel Errol Brett were also in
attendance. The purpose of these
open meetings is to keep the NST
community up to date on new
and ongoing initiatives as well as
to inform shareholders on current
and projected financials.
Board President Dr. Stanley
Goldsmith kicked off the meeting
by introducing the evening’s agenda,
which covered a wide range of
topics. Following is a recap of the
First up was Ed Phelan, Chairman
of the Capital Improvements
Committee. He began with a
presentation of plans for the rear
parking lot, which is being planned
to accommodate a minimum of 100
additional parking spots. Although
this may sound like a straightforward
project, photographs illustrated
some of the many decisions
that need to be made regarding
the optimal materials to use, specifically
pavers vs. black top. Both
applications have pros and cons
in terms of strength, maintenance
and environmental considerations;
Experian Engineering, the firm
that has been awarded the project,
will make its determination and
advise the Board and Management
accordingly. As of this writing,
Management and the Board are still
waiting for boring analysis of the
ground to determine the drainage
capacity of the area.
Phelan next discussed reparations
and renovations of the Center
Courtyard. As residents are aware,
trees were removed because their
root systems and their sheer weight
created problems of cracking and
weakening of the sidewalks. The
failing concrete, which supports
expansion joints, is creating water
damage to the underground garage
roofing. At this time the plan is to
begin excavation of the area this
The four-corner intersection has
been problematic for some time.
It is estimated that approximately
550 cars come onto the property
each day; the traffic includes many
visitors who are not familiar with
NST’s layout and subsequently run
through the stop signs. To remedy
this, the intersection will become a
four-way stop intersection.
Dr. Stanley Goldsmith, Chairman
of the Country Club Committee,
discussed capital projects specifically
related to the Country Club.
First, planning for the renovation
of the VIP Room, to be renamed the
Towers Club Room, is underway.
The goal is to create more seating,
upgrade the kitchen and modernize
the look of the room to make
it more inviting. Part of the work
will include relocating the Pro Golf
Shop to the Men’s Card Room to
reduce traffic from golfers. There is
more than one option, however, as
to how to execute the expansion of
the room; for example, building out
to the adjoining terrace would add
a great number of seats but could be
prohibitively expensive. Therefore,
alternatives are being studied and
the project will go out to multiple
vendors for bidding.
Next, Goldsmith discussed the
current renovation of the kiddie
Rear Parking Lot Project
Four Corners to be Four-Way Intersection Kiddie Pool is halfway completed 10 NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER ¢ May 2019