So, out of her Astoria-based kitchen, Miz
Magickal was born. La Porta first stirred up
body butters and lip balms, passing them
out to friends and family as a test run. “If
you think it stinks,” she’d ask them, “tell
me. Don’t be shy.” With positive feedback
in abundance, La Porta trademarked her
name, created a website, and began taking
her products to craft fairs.
But where does the “magic” come in? The
company’s name is a pretty literal one, as La
Porta works tirelessly to inject positive vibes
and intentions into everything she formulates.
Her kitchen is a safe, vibrating space,
rife with chants and mantras. “What you put
into the universe, you get back,” she preaches.
Not only does her product help others,
but it does so practically and mindfully,
without any suffering to other living things
— distinguishing her stuff from the chemicalheavy,
negativity-laden commercial products
that are so commonly available.
The public has embraced her positive,
natural approach. In Astoria specifically, “a
lot of people are happy to support small
businesses,” she observed. “It’s so appreciated
that people trust me with their skin.” Her
“approachable, practical, reasonably priced
wares” are so loved by those who use them.
In addition to the initial body butters and lip
balms, La Porta has created a natural deodorant
in three fascinating scents (like patchouli
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