My Mom Bea Adler — I Miss Her
class mother
and my Girl
Scout leader.
I have a
great photo
of her in her
Girl Scout
leader’s hat and
dress. She was a
leader her whole
life and I learned by
She was
a survivor
h a v i n g
c crossed
t h e
at age 2 on
the shoulders
of her 13-yearold
leaving Kiev
for America
on the heels of
the charging
Cossacks. Her
love of family
was endless
and I
think that
love sustained me through her
whole life and beyond. I miss her
and I know how proud she was
of all I did.
When I was head over heels
in love with my jock boyfriend
in my first year at an out-oftown
college, she knew he was
wrong for me. It took an intervention
from both my parents,
who convinced me they simply
couldn’t afford my brother’s
tuition and mine away from
home so I’d have to transfer to
NYU. Little did I know the costs
were really the same! But with
many tears I left Ray Kells and
the University of Rhode Island
behind and began my next life.
It took a year of tears but, in the
end, my mom was right. Before
long, I met my future husband
and four children later.
I miss my mom.
She had other qualities I also
cherish. When my brother or
my children went “rogue” on
me, I can hear her words, “Keep
the door open.” I have lived that
advice and how wise it was,
because I learned it’s okay to
get angry or disappointed but
never close the door on your
loved ones.
I miss my mom.
My mom was always there
through the trauma of my first
born child Lara turning blue
in the nursery and her needing
enormous support for the 17
years of her life. When I started
Life’s WORC, born out of Lara’s
needs, my mom was there creating
money for my cause, attending
one in Madison Square Garden
starring John Lennon and Yoko
Ono, where she sat among the
marijuana-smoking massive
crowd. She also visited Lara religiously
was in Willowbrook on Staten
I miss my mom.
She was there when I started
available as my safety net. I knew
I was protected if I failed. She
inspired me and gave me my
courage to carry on no matter
where life led me.
I miss my mom.
We laughed that, as she got
older and weaker, she lived my
life vicariously. I often say she is
still with me, sitting like a beautiful
watching me and protecting
After all, a mom is a mom forever,
A Superhero at 4 Years Old
My favorite Sunday morning activity is sitting in bed with the Sunday papers
sprawled around me and a cup of coffee as I watch “CBS Sunday Morning,”
a show of brilliantly crafted segments. This Sunday had one about a loving
little boy from Alabama who is a 4-year-old superhero.
“President Austin,” as he calls himself, feeds the homeless. His dad and he had
been watching a segment about a baby panda who was separated from his mom and
became homeless. He asked his dad if that happens to humans and when he was told
yes, he decided he wanted to help them.
Taking his allowance and the money that he knew his dad would spend on toys for
him, he decided, as “President Austin,” that he would feed them. So his dad, in awe of
his little superhero son, went along and helped him take to the streets in a superhero
outfit printed with the words “Show Love.”
As the boy handed the chicken sandwiches to homeless people, he said, “Show
love,” and in most cases, they returned his act of kindness with hugs and awe that a
true superhero had come into their lives.
I thought of my grandchildren and how much they have and how big their hearts
are, too. Just recently, 6-year-old Addy saw an ad on TV for St. Jude’s Children’s
Hospital and decided she would raise money for them. She called her relatives and
raised $250. Child power!
Superhero Austin Perine with his father and CBS News’ Steve Hartman.
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It still feels strange to go down
the card aisle filled with
Mother’s Day cards at CVS
and realize that I don’t have a
mother to buy one for. I know I
could buy one for my daughters
or my daughter-in-law but it’s
just not the same feeling. I miss
my mom.
Many friends and colleagues
ask me what vitamins and food
I eat to have so much energy. I
certainly take my fair collection
of vitamins every morning and
never miss a meal. (Maybe that’s
why I’m a card-carrying Weight
Watcher — to little success.) My
energy comes from my mom’s
DNA; she had an endless source
of strength.
I think I also got my ability to
lead from my mom. After all, as
far back as I can remember, she
was president of the PTA, my
aquarium planters to raise
all my fundraisers including
every week while she
The Queens Courier, always
butterfly, on my shoulder,
and I miss mine!
Photo via Facebook/Austin Perine