mother’s day
5 smart consumer tips for sending
fl owers this Mother's Day
For Americans, sending fl owers to
show love, caring and concern is a longstanding
tradition appreciated by both
givers and receivers. It’s so popular, in
fact, that last year we spent some $2.6 billion
on fl ower gift s for the Mother’s Day
holiday alone - $26.6 billion on fl oral
products throughout the year.
Why our fascination with the fresh and
colorful eye candy? Scientists believe we
have such strong associations with the
bountiful blooms that they can boost our
sense of well-being.
“Flowers have immediate and longterm
eff ects on emotional reactions,
mood, social behaviors and even memory
for both males and females,” notes
research by Rutgers. “Th e simple presentation
of fl owers, even a single fl ower, will
release a strong and immediate behavior
refl ecting positive aff ect. It’s possible that
the fl owers - either through their visual
or odorous qualities - have eff ects on
brain chemistry.”
Whatever the reason we enjoy fl owers
so much, there are several steps we
can take to make the gift ing experience
more enjoyable for the giver and the
receiver. Consider these tips next time
you’re choosing fresh fl owers for your
loved one.
• Choose delivery. You may be tempted
to pick up a few cheap cellophane
wrapped stems at your local grocery
store, but understand that won’t
have the same panache as a professionally
designed, packaged and delivered
bouquet. No matter the occasion,
there’s a little thrill of surprise that
comes from that knock on the door
from a delivery person carrying a gorgeous
display of blooms.
• Th ink ahead. Ordering online well
ahead of time can not only off er you
peace of mind, but may save you money
by allowing the fl ower company to
make the delivery a few days before or
aft er a holiday. Th at timing may also
allow your loved one to stop and appreciate
your gift at a time that’s more convenient.
• Know her favorites. Delight your loved
one by fi nding out ahead of time which
kinds of fl owers she prefers, then ordering
ahead to ensure your fl orist can
secure that variety. Diff erent blooms
can carry diff erent associations based
on personal experience; perhaps pink
roses bring back happy memories of
her mother’s rose garden but orchids
remind her of her aunt’s funeral. She
may also be partial to beautifully scented
varieties such as lilies, freesia, lavender
or hyacinth. Th e Rutgers research
points out that women who receive
fl owers report positive moods as many
as three days later.
• Inquire about details. It’s perfectly OK
to ask how many stems of each fl ower
will go into a given arrangement,
or to fi nd out whether it will be delivered
in a plain glass vase or a beautifully
designed keepsake planter. You may
be able to request more fl owers be substituted
for an elegant container - or
vice versa.
Check out 1-800-fl owers.com for a
comprehensive selection of fl oral designs
and other meaningful gift s, no matter the
To Vase or Not to Vase
When it comes to fl owers, there are lots
of things to consider. Keep your options
open by off ering expertly designed
arrangements from local fl orists that
arrive in vases or opt for fresh-fromthe
farm bouquets beautifully presented
in gift boxes, with or without a vase.
If they love DIY fl oral designing, skip the
vase and save some money by ordering an
arrangement labeled “Shipped in a Gift
Box” and selecting the “Bouquet Only”
Courtesy BPT