mother’s day Take Mom to a show!
‘The Wedding Singer’ at Royal Star
Latin Dance Fiesta
2018 at Queen Theatre
Th e Unisphere’s bright lights and dancing
shadows greet the hundreds of guests
for the annual Latin Dance Fiesta. Th ey’ve
gathered at Queens Th eatre in Flushing
Meadows Corona Park. Tonight’s presentation
is anchored by a powerful, passionate
performance from internationally
acclaimed Flamenco dancer Nelida
Tirado. Th is warm and wonderful fi esta
represents the brilliant interpretations of
skillful dancers from Spain, the Dominican
Republic, Argentina and Brazil.
As usual, executive director Taryn
Sacramone greets the crowd with her
brightest smile. Tonight’s emcee, Willie
Mosquera, enters “stage right” to introduce
each group. Th e very diff erent styles
from the four countries blend beautifully.
Th eir undeniable skill is rewarded
with shouts and applause from the
packed house.
With two intense fl amenco segments,
Tirado dazzles the audience along with
Pedro Cortes (guitar), Jose Moreno
(vocals) and Peter Basil (percussion). Th e
Dominican Republic’s “Grupo Folclorico
Batey,” wearing beautiful bright costumes,
off ers the merengue and the traditional
“mangulina” with style and
class. Th e mesmerizing Argentinian
Tango fi lled with glittering swagger is
the well-received selection from Mariana
Parma, Walter Perez, Analia Centurion
and Leonardo Sardella. Brazil’s Silva
Dance Company electrifi es the audience
with indigenous instruments and acrobatics
from performers of all ages. Th e
audience rises to their feet!
What a very special evening! Clearly
the Latin Dance Fiesta will return before
too long. For information on this and
future productions at this newly renovated
and upgraded venue, visit queenstheatre.
org, call the box offi ce at 718-760-
0064 or “like” them on Facebook. As
always, save me a seat on the aisle.
Th ere’s a wedding in Queens and
you’re invited! Just don’t bring an expensive
gift . Th ere may be several hopefuls
stranded at the altar. Th at’s right. Th e
very funny, very irreverent musical comedy
“Th e Wedding Singer” is currently
on stage in Jamaica Estates. Th e Royal
Star Th eatre continues to enhance its
reputation as a high spirited, highly talented
community troupe.
Lovable loser Robbie, aka the wedding
singer, is well played by Giovanni
Marine. He is the master of wide-eyed
comical confusion as he stumbles from
one crisis to the next. His romantic
involvements include two completely
diff erent personalities. Th ere’s fi rm but
fragile Julia (Alex Jamison) and brassy
bombshell Linda (Tanya Fiebert). Both
off er standout performances.
Unfolding decades ago, Ellen Armet as
“Grandma Rosie” does a great “rap” in
Act II. Th e wedding singer’s bandmates
Sammy (Jeremy Melendez) and George
(Dany Stravino) deliver very funny 1980s
caricatures. Of course, Th om Harmon as
Glen Guglia, the callous, money-hungry
businessman, is a perfect representation
of that era. Supporting performances by
Tara Mangione and Virginia Harmon
are also well done.
As expected, Director Amanda
Montoni transfers energy and enthusiasm
to everyone onstage. Musical director
Paul L. Johnson provides another
polished performance along with Tito
Rodriguez, George Cortes and Dane
Scozzari. Gabriella Marchese provides
sharp choreography. Costumes (Jennifer
Fessler) are a colorful representation of
that brash decade.
Kudos to the entire ensemble and
to the outstanding board of directors
(Amanda Doria, Dena Rae Civello,
Charlene D. Greenberg, Alex Jamison,
Amanda Montoni, Erik Neilssen and
MaryEllen Pierce). Many have guided
the group since their previous Flushing
incarnation. Bravo to one and all.
For information on this and future
productions, visit royalstartheatre.org,
call 516-376-5552 or “like” them on
Facebook. As always, save me a seat on
the aisle.
Giovanni Marine is the Wedding Singer (photo courtesy Dena Rae Civello).jpeg
Latin Dance Fiesta 2018 (2).JPG