mother’s day
Treat Mom to a very special breakfast
remaining ingredients together and pour
Peach Sauce Gingerbread
evenly over mixture in cooker. Cook on
Waffl es
It’s Mother’s Day, and Mom shouldn’t
low for 10 to 12 hours.
• 2 c. buttermilk baking mix
have to cook. To ensure she doesn’t, here
• 1 c milk
are some easy recipes that kids and adults
Easy Chocolate Waffl es
• 1 egg
alike can make.
• 3 c. fl our
• 1/3 c. molasses
• 1/2 T. salt
• 1/4 c. brown sugar, packed
Breakfast Casserole
• 2 T. baking powder
• 1 t. Ginger
• 32 oz. frozen hash browns with peppers
• 2/3 c. cocoa
• 3/4 t. Cinnamon
and onions
• 2/3 c. sugar
• 1/4 t. Nutmeg
• 1 red pepper, diced
• 4 eggs
• 16 oz. sliced peaches in heavy syrup
• 1/2 lb. bacon, crumbled
• 3-1/2 c. milk
• 1 T. cornstarch
• 2 c. cheddar cheese shredded
• 1 c. oil
• 1 T. lemon juice
• 12 eggs
Mix dry ingredients and set aside.
Mix baking mix, milk, egg, molasses,
• 1 c. milk
Slightly beat eggs and combine with
brown sugar, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg
• 1 t. kosher salt
milk and oil. Add dry ingredients and
in a bowl. Pour 1/2 c. of batter into
• 1 t. black pepper
blend, being careful not to overmix.
a preheated waffl e iron. Cook until waffl
• 6 to 8 drops hot sauce
Pour 1 c. of batter into a waffle iron
e has a cake-like texture. Repeat until all
• 1 t. dry mustard
and cooking according to the directions.
batter has been used.
Coat slow cooker with cooking spray.
Continue until batter is gone.
To make peach sauce, drain peaches,
Place hash browns in bottom and top
Top waffles with maple syrup and
cut into small pieces and set aside.
with red pepper, bacon and cheese. Whisk
fresh fruit.
Combine cornstarch with lemon juice
and heat over a medium fl ame until thick.
Add peaches and serve sauce over waffl es.
Sausage Squares
• 2 cans crescent rolls
• 1 pkg. cream cheese
• 1 pkg. breakfast sausage
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Open one
can of crescent rolls and spread out on a
greased baking sheet. Layer with cream
cheese and sausage and cover with the
other can of crescent rolls. Bake for 12 to
15 minutes.
Th ese are just a few recipes that are sure
to be a hit with Mom on her special day.
Not having to cook or clean up is also sure
to be a hit. Th is year, why not score some
points with Mom and serve her a feast?
She just might forgive you for something
else later.
Courtesy Creative Commons