North Shore Towers Courier n November 2015 25 Democrat BARRY GRODENCHIK For City Council Stronger public schools and resources for our teachers On Tuesday, November 3rd, please vote for the voice our community needs on the City Council. Increased funding for senior centers, libraries, parks and DEMOCRAT BARRY GRODENCHIK FOR CITY COUNCIL! BARRY GRODENCHIK Democrat for City Council Assemblyman RON KIM Councilman PETER KOO Senator JOSE PERALTA Assemblyman FRANCISCO MOYA Congressman JOE CROWLEY Senator LEROY COMRIE Queens BP MELINDA KATZ safe streets Fmr. Councilman MARK WEPRIN Fmr. Queens BP CLAIRE SHULMAN Fmr. Congressman GARY ACKERMAN ENDORSED BY Paid for by Grodenchik 2015 Better bus service and transportation funding A fair tax system for co-op and condo owners VOTE! Tuesday Nov. 3 LOCAL 831
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