North Shore Towers Courier n November 2015 13 The decision to provide two routes of varying lengths was made in effort to get more people involved. Golf Director Bob Guido plotted each course and just two days before the event, on Friday, the appointed leaders of the walks, GAP Chair Phyllis Goldstein, Mary Anne Langone, and NST fitness instructors Regina Davis and Carrie Heiman, rode both to familiarize Walking Warriors Just prior to the start, Davis and Heiman led the intrepid pedestrians through a series of stretches and movement exercises on the plaza outside the VIP Room to warm up the group before the walk started. With the weather as chilly as it was, it was vitally important for everyone to get their bodies properly prepared, whether they planned on or navigating the longer 4-mile route. Exercising under layers of clothing and practically on top one another only served to heighten the fun and camaraderie of everyone with plenty of whoops and laughter heard over the music. Soon, the lively band was off, splitting along the way between the long- and short-course walkers. Along each route were posted lively signage, recognizing the event and serving to keep adrenaline levels high. The Walk the Course concluded where it began, greeted at the VIP Room with a magnificent spread of refreshments, again courtesy of Dennis Periti and company. Exhilarated walkers plotzed with their fellow “sole” mates, a festive pink mini cupcake or two and a hot comforting cup ’o joe or hot cocoa, and shared their feelings. “It’s a great idea,” Mimi they didn’t do it sooner. I can’t wait for the next one!” “The GAP has the best programs,” Roseann Darche enthused. “When I walk, I have to have a buddy. I went with Elaine Guise. I hope it becomes an annual event.” “It was a little cold,” Carol Zolonek observed. “But better cold than hot.” “It was very refreshing and it was for a good cause,” Matthew Guise concluded. Adding to the success, VIP Room’s Dennis Periti generously donated 10% of all the money’s the restaurant made during dinner service the day of the walk. With his help, $2,252 was collected. According to Lorber, the proceeds will go directly to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, which dedicates more than 92% of all its donations directly to research. As Phyllis Goldstein said, “NST has joined the ranks of organizations, such as Bloomingdale’s and Ivarrone in supporting this worthy cause… Next year will be bigger and better! (Continued on page 14) themselves with the courses. traversing the short 2-mile course Wimenitz said. “I don’t know why Phyllis Goldstein stands with VIP Room’s Dennis Periti and Rosa Valle Sign ’o the times GAP Chair Phyllis Goldstein organizes the troops I think we need a bigger board Basking in the glow of doing good—(l. to r.) Mimi Wimenitz, Carol Zolondek, Roseann Darshe and Matthew Guise The Walking Spread
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