Highlighting Board accomplishments Bob Ricken The Board of Directors of North Shore Towers, for the fifth year in a row, adopted a Country Club budget without an increase in dues. What is really remarkable is the fact that this is not an austerity budget. In examining the line items in the budget, residents can take pride in all of the physical improvements. For example: 1. In the next few days, the gym will have installed new carpeting, wallpaper and a fresh coat of paint. 2. The golf course, continuing a multi-year plan, will have holes 2 and 8 renovated. Additionally, the second of a three-phase renovation of our irrigation system will be completed. 3. The VIP Room will once again have the kitchen expanded and also have a new exhaust system installed to eliminate the cooking odors from the card rooms and other affected areas. 4. Money has been budgeted for the indoor pool to be painted and modernized. from the towers A Message from the President: 5. This coming month, the generator installation process will begin. It will probably start the first week of November and continue through the month of April. This over $13 million project will be paid for from our reserve funds and not require a loan or an assessment. 6. Money has been budgeted for the complete refurbishing of our movie theater. This is taking a long time since the committee has had to deal with many different sub-committees. Getting seats from China, vendors for a new movie screen, new flooring, digital cameras, an extension of the stage and new curtains have made a difficult process almost overwhelming. However, it will be done in the near future. We are now discussing the possibility of cost overruns. 7. Many other excellent things are happening that don’t get into the budget. For example: 8. Without utilizing any of our funds, Maria Termini-Miller’s Public Relations Committee has been able to have an excellent article published in the Anton News Community Newspapers. This article, posted in our lobbies, went to over 20 communities in Nassau County. 9. New programs, developed by Fred Chernow and residents have been well-received and will be continued. The Film Festival has added prestige to our community. The 92nd Street Y Programs have been intellectually stimulating and finally the new film series about the lines of our residents has added to our respect and admiration for our fellow neighbors’ accomplishments. 10. Felice Hannah has brought almost every candidate and elected official to our community. Her committee members are also doing workshops in areas of interest to our residents. I’d like to highlight an upcoming event in which a discussion of the Affordable Healthcare Act will be discussed. This is not a Democrat or Republican’s view, it will be exactly what is in the Act – no politics. It has been an exciting month and our Board-Management Team deserves a great deal of credit for their accomplishments. Welcome Wagon New Towers residents came together for a cocktail party to meet, greet and eat. “We just arrived a few days ago. We’re still in boxes,” said Ralph Edwards. “This event gets people together. It’s essential for new members. It’s a chance to socialize.” The newbies were able to exchange information and contacts with one another, and also become more familiar with event organizer Arnie Cammeye, Country Club Manager Mary Anne Langone and other staff present. “This event welcomes people,” said Arlene Soifer. “It’s a chance to meet people who haven’t been here for 40 years.” Resident Phyllis Goldstein said she was on the Board in charge of screening new members, and she was “very happy” to see so many people she had interviewed at the event. Throughout the evening, conversation was buzzing and smiles were exchanged. Cammeyer gave the new residents an opportunity to become comfortable with one another before branching out to the larger Towers community. The hope was to get new members involved in NST events and activities. “The people have been very friendly,” said resident and Board member Fred Chernow. “I like the format. Everyone’s standing, moving around.” Victoria Schneps-Yunis Joshua A. Schneps Tonia N. Cimino Jennifer Decio Maggie Hayes Stephen Reina, Nirmal Singh, Ron Torina, Cheryl Gallagher Publisher & E ditor Associate Publisher Editor-in-chief Art Director Contributing Editor Artists 8 North Shore Towers Courier n November 2013 North Shore Towers Courier, 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 • Tel: 718-224-5863 • Sales Fax: 718-631-3498 • Editorial Fax: 718-224-5441 • e-mail: [email protected] All letters sent to NORTH SHORE TOWERS COURIER should be brief and are subject to condensing. 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