North Shore Towers Courier n November 2013 13 Why is an AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity different from all others? President Obama views Mobileye in action— see video at On his recent state visit to Israel, President Obama received a demonstration of Mobileye from Amnon Shashua, the Sachs Family Professor of Computer Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Mobileye, an Advanced Driver Assistance System, saves lives and boosts automotive safety. AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity Returns Age Rate 67 6.2% 70 6.5% 75 7.1% 80 8.0% 85 9.5% 90 11.3% Rates are calculated based on a single life. Cash contributions produce partially tax-free annuity income. CAll oR emAil now. THe ReTURns ARe GeneRoUs. THe CAUse is pRiCeless. For information on AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuities, please call AFHU, Greater New York Region Associate Executive Director, Harriet Lasky at (212) 607-8518 or email: [email protected] It drives the next generation of technology. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is an engine of innovation and discovery for israel and our global community. When you create a secure AFHU Hebrew University Gift Annuity— with its high lifetime return, income tax deduction and partially tax-free payments—your annuity drives Israeli-led innovation toward a better and safer future. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Research engine for the world. Engine of growth for a nation. One Battery Park Plaza, 25th Floor, New York, NY 10004 800-567-AFHU (2348) • (212) 607-8500 Share in the vision of Albert Einstein, a founder of The Hebrew University. Help propel a catalyst for research and learning that strengthens Israel and transforms our world. Hear Your Best for the Holidays this Year! Schedule a FREE Hearing Screening! Family. Friends. Festivities. The joyous sounds of the holidays are fast approaching - which means it’s the perfect time for a FREE Hearing Check-up. Don’t let another year with hearing loss dampen your cheer. • A L I F E T IME O F B ET T E R H EAR I N G! • F I RS T C L ASS CA R E • W O RLD C L AS S T EC H NOLO G Y Total Experience • World Class Hearing Care • Most complete and accurate hearing check-up. Total Selection • HearUSA offers a broad selection of advanced hearing aids from trusted brands. Total Technology • Video Otoscope examination – a look inside your ear to determine if you have ear wax. 60-Day Trial Restrictions apply, call for details. $800 OFF a pair of Siemens 3mi hearing aids* *With purchase of a pair of 3mi model only. Everyday Price $2695 each. Sale Price $2295 each. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Call today for your FREE Hearing Check-up! Carle Place • Great Neck Call Toll Free: 855.213.1070 www..heeaarrussaa..ccoom © 22001133 HHeeaarrUUSSAA,, AAllll RRiigghhttss RReesseerrvveedd.. 130901 HearUSA Holiday Ad_North Shore Towers-Queens Courier_4.313x11.5 to run 11-1_01.indd 1 10/11/13 10:37 AM
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