Get Your Health & Wellness Benefits in a Medicare Advantage Plan
October 15 – December 7 is the Annual
Enrollment Period (AEP) when Medicare
beneficiaries decide whether to remain in
their current Medicare Advantage Plan, choose
another plan or return to what is commonly
referred to as Original Medicare or Medicare
Fee for Service.
A Medicare Advantage Plan provides
you with all your Medicare Part A and Part
B benefits, and benefits above and beyond
Original Medicare, including dental, vision,
hearing, transportation, over the counter
(OTC) drugs, alternative medicine, and fitness
AgeWell New York encourages Medicare
beneficiaries to look out for these covered
services to get the most out of your plan to
enhance your health coverage and access to
health & wellness services.
Preventative Services. Many plans cover
screenings & immunizations. These services
help you identify and treat health issues early.
Identifying risk factors, unhealthy lifestyle
habits, getting recommended screenings and
vaccinations, and routinely seeing your doctor
are all part of ongoing health prevention and
Dental, vision and hearing services. Routine
dental, vision and hearing visits are vital to
maintaining overall health and identifying
other issues. Look for preventive and/or
preventive and comprehensive and diagnostic
dental. Most plans also offer routine vision and
hearing exams, eyewear and hearing aids as
part of your covered services.
Fitness programs. Look for a plan that
promotes a healthy lifestyle. Many plans offer a
wellness or fitness program at no additional cost
and include access to fitness equipment, gym
memberships, group exercise classes and more.
Alternative care services. Alternative
therapies are becoming more popular
in preventing and treating disease and
promoting health. Some plans may include
acupuncture and chiropractic care.
Care Navigator or Care Manager. Having
a dedicated person to help you navigate all
of these services gives you easier access to
all your benefits. Some plans have a Care
Navigator or Care Manager who assists
with things such as such as medication
management, care planning, routine
screenings and preventative services. Call
your plan for more information and find out
whether these services are available.
Details of these benefits are included in
the plan’s Evidence of Coverage, or you may
call your health plan to learn more and take
AgeWell New York offers Medicare
Advantage Prescription Drug Plans for
communities in the New York Metropolitan
area including Westchester, Bronx,
Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Nassau, and
Suffolk counties. For more information
and to learn more about eligibility and
enrollment, visit or
call 718-696-0206.