All of the Board's committees
are now staffed and meeting
regularly. For your information,
there are eight committees and
their respective chairpersons are:
Country Club: Ed Phelan
Political Action: Felice Hannah
House and Grounds: Steve
Special Projects: Bob Ricken
Cultural: Fred Chernow
Marketing: Deborah Markell
Capital Improvements: Mario
Finance: Marty Schwartzman
The tennis program has expanded
thanks to the Board's decision to
make it free to all club members.
Every morning several courts are
being used, and there are plans being
made for evening tennis under the
court's lights.
New amenities such as the Pickle
Ball court are now operational.
Experienced residents have offered
lessons for interested residents. In
addition, the new Art Studio is
being used by over 40 residents.
Experienced resident artists have given
workshops and personal lessons
(read below for an update).
Major work has started on the central
plaza and we thank all residents
for cooperating with the new one way
traffic pattern. This project will also
help to stop leakage in the indoor
garages in addition to beautifying
the entrances to all three buildings.
See the article in this issue for more
The Country Club and VIP Room
expansion are now being finalized.
Our 9/11 program hosted many
elected officials and was well received
by our community. We were also
able to honor both our residents
and employees who worked in the
dangerous debris field. Thankfully,
they will now get the health services
they so desperately need.
In October, we will have our first
open meeting in the movie theater. It
is an opportunity to hear reports from
all committee chairpersons and to
ask questions and make suggestions
to your Board of Directors. The date
will be announced shortly.
Bob Ricken
President's Message
Bob Ricken
Can't Draw a Straight Line?
Learn How at NST’s Art Studio!
If you think you cannot draw a
straight line, the North Shore
Towers Art Studio wants you!
Beginning in August, the studio
offered residents a free Basic
Drawing class. It consisted of
three weekly two-hour sessions.
Topics covered included form,
shadow, dimension and perspective.
Working in black and white,
then color, students should end
the class with a simple still life. It
is recommended that participants
who catch the drawing bug continue
their studies at a local adult
education program.
The Art Studio classes are given
by resident artists of an advanced
level. They donate their services
and teach. This keeps the cost
to residents at zero. If you are a
resident with advanced artistic
training and teaching experience
and would be interested in teaching
a Basic Drawing class, please
contact Studio Manager Karen
The North Shore Towers Art
Studio is an amenity offered to all
residents. This newly refurbished
facility is located in the Arcade
Les artistes! l-r: Esther Andron; Sylvia Landau; Shirley Wien; Co-instructor Marilyn Davidson (seated);
Helen Young; Barbara Margolis and Celia Platek enjoy an artful afternoon. Photo by Julie Weissman
adjacent to the Library. Use of the
studio in three-hour shifts is free
to all residents. The resident artist
is just responsible for providing
necessary materials.
Sounds like something you
might want to try? Call Karen
Perry at (718) 225-0107 to reserve
your spot in the next class. The
North Shore Towers Special
Projects Committee welcomes
your participation in this program!