53 North Shore Towers Courier n October 2016 Bridge Players Needed With the thought of developing the next generation of bridge players, the fifth graders in the Great Neck Public Schools were offered the opportunity of learning to play bridge during the 2015-2016 school year. Those students who elected to participate during their lunch/recess period were taught once a week for sixteen weeks and the program culminated in an exciting Sunday bridge tournament during which students earned awards and were given books and certificates of participation. The continuation of this special program of engaging young children in the skilled game of bridge and its expansion into the middle schools are reflections of its success. The program was initiated and coordinated by Dr. Sheila Terens, former Great Neck Public Schools Assistant Superintendent, and sponsored by Long Island Bridge for Youth and American Contract Bridge League. Dr. Terens explained the educational and life-skills value of playing bridge: Bridge can help children develop strategic thinking skills, memory power and the ability to concentrate, while building math prowess and learning a lifetime sport. In addition bridge is a partnership game, which promotes social and team-building skills. Students are taught by bridge teachers and supported by volunteers familiar with the principles of bridge. The program is seeking bridge playing volunteers from North Shore Towers who might enjoy spending an hour a week engaging with children learning to play bridge. It can be very rewarding and a lot of fun! For further information, please call Sheila Terens at 516-297-0699. A training session for bridge volunteers and teachers will take place on October 17 from 9:30-11:30 a.m TOWERS Restaurant at North Shore Towers 27248 Grand Central Pkwy, Floral Park, NY 11005 718-819-8228 WE WANT to hear FROM YOU! Send us your Letters, Pictures, and Family Events. By Mail: 38-15 Bell Blvd., Bayside, NY 11361 By Fax: 718-279-9675 By Email: [email protected] QNS.com iS the New deStiNatioN for everythiNg QueeNS! BreakiNg NewS free claSSifiedS iNteractive eveNtS caleNdar coNNect with your commuNity oN NeighBorhood PageS
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