36 North Shore Towers Courier n October 2016 Migdal Chapter of HADDASAH at North Shore Towers presents... Manfred Korman to Speak about His Kindertransport Experience Manfred Korman, who was among the 10,000 children saved by the Kindertransport in 1939, will speak about his and his brother’s experiences as part of a group of children saved from the ravages of the Holocaust when they were sent to England at a meeting of the Migdal Chapter of Hadassah. The meeting will be held November 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the Large Card Room below the Arcade in Building #2. Korman is active in the Kupferberg Holocaust Center of Queensborough Community College and many other community organizations and a frequent speaker about the Kindertransport, its impact on him, his family and others. He brings fifty years of experience as an educator, principal and supervisor to his perspective on these unforgettable events. Please join us for this important and unforgettable program… Open to Migdal/Hadassah members and the North Shore Towers community Manfred Korman to speak about his Kindertransport experience Wednesday, November 2, at 7:30 p.m. The Large Card Room below the Arcade in Building #2 Dr. Alison Hoffmann & Dr. Amy Sapodin , T 516-484-0811 North Shore Towers Bldg.3 -Arcade 5, Floral Park 1163 Willis Avenue Albertson / Roslyn Errol A. Brett Attorney At LAw 26910 grand central parkway suite a6 floral park, ny 11005 Tel: 718-631-7733 Fax: 718-631-7765 Feeling Overwhelmed From All Your Stuff? Not Sure Where To Start? BEFORE AFTER Home Organizing and Packing Services Moving? Remodeling? For Home of Office CALL NOW! 516-405-0655 Tucked Away Organizing Email: [email protected] BEFORE AFTER Call for a consultation *40% off price to first 10 callers. * first 4 hours only
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