

Women’s Club Happenings BY VICKI MAZEL Photos by Dawn Steinberg and Vicki Mazel How can YOU get involved? Contact JULIE WEISSMAN at 718 423-3017 34 North Shore Towers Courier n October 2016 We Fly and We Rule NST WOMEN’S CLUB A contingent of the NST Women’s Club spaced out at the Cradle of Aviation Museum on Long Island on Wednesday, August 31, on a well planned orbital trip by Steering Committee member Rosalie Goodman. The event was preceded by museum docent and NST resident, Sam Koeppel, giving an introduction to the museum at the Coleridge Lounge the day before take off. The information she provided was fascinating and served as the prefect complement to the private docent the Club secured at the museum, who expertly led us through the tour, viewing everything from the lunar module to the making of the space suit. A fashion statement for the future? From Earhart to Armstrong, we learned that the hand that rocked the cradle also landed people on the moon! “Women of the Supreme Court” was the subject of our successful meeting held on Wednesday, September 13, in the large card room. James Cole, adjunct professor of history at Nassau, enlightened us about female Supreme Court Justices, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sandra Day O’Connor, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, from their simple beginnings to how they ended up at our finest universities, such as Harvard and Princeton. A full house learned about these remarkable women of the Supreme Court and how they represented a “footprint into the future.” James Cole will be speaking on November 16th about the election results. Not to be missed! Legacy of the Luscious Leftovers One Tuesday a month, Club Member Carol Meyerson leads an an open agenda discussion with an offshoot of the Women’s Club in Room 1 of the Coleridge Lounge. How did this group form? Dating back to the inaugural luncheon last year, the overflow event held at Towers on the Green was fully subscribed. With all the tables taken, a few women were left out. Meyerson came to the rescue and organized the “leftover” table in the Coleridge Lounge. Hurrying to the VIP Room, she enlisted the cooperation of the staff, who provided set-ups and food. With full speed, the women were accommodated, and Carol Meyerson remained with them. The “Luscious Leftover Ladies” became their own entity, developed a bond of friendship and have been meeting ever since, one Tuesday each month. At a recent Greek night celebration, they were in full attendance, enjoying the festivities of the larger group they remain a part of… And this time they had a table! If you are interested in joining their discussion group, “Tuesday at Two”, led by Carol Meyerson, please call Meyerson at 516-313-0016. Leftovers are always better! Foodies Alert! Lunch Bunch: Thursday, October 27, at the Moonstone Restaurant 14 Northern Boulevard, Great Neck; 12 noon There is a parking lot adjacent to the restaurant. Interested? Call Chickie Kaufman at 718-819-8176 Still to Come… Wednesday, October 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the Large Card Room; Speaker Martin Schneit, Lecturer and Tour Guide: “Famous Women of New York” Look for the yellow rose flyer in your mailroom to learn of upcoming events. Florida residents: Give your email info and Florida phone number to Roberta Gould at 718-224-4388. Stay tuned for info on our holiday party, scheduled for December 21. Gloria Beck and her committee are in the planning stage for this gala, with special entertainment by the renowned J.S. Dreisen. So… Let’s Party! Gloria Beck (far left) shows us “Where’s the beef?” at the August 25 Lunch Brunch at Ben’s Deli Ladies who lunch Space cadets BEN’S BEST DELICATESSEN

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