6 North Shore Towers Courier n October 2015 NEVER FORGET Board reinstates 9-11 Remembrance ceremony BY STEPHEN VRATTOS Upon re-election to the Board in June and subsequently being selected to Chair the Special Projects Committee, Bob Ricken immediately set to work reinstating the 9-11 Remembrance ceremony, which had been discontinued in 2013. “I was very disappointed, we didn’t have it last year,” Ricken said. “I think a lot of people are starting to forget. Reinstating the event was the first thing I set about doing and it was unanimously accepted by the Board.” In the past, the event was held at 7:00 pm on the North Shore Towers grounds by the flagpole. “It was beautiful how people drifted together from all three buildings to attend,” Ricken observed. This year, however, because the anniversary fell on a Friday, the presentation was held at 2:00 pm in the afternoon in the Towers Cinema. According to Ricken the change was made so as not to interfere with religious observances, dinner plans or Happy Hour. The new venue offered advantages, which Ricken and the Special Projects Committee made full use of, creating two custom videos—with the expertise of Towers Video Productions stalwarts John Virga and Marty Ragusa—as part of the program. A professional sound system, lighting, comfortable seating and controlled environment would also be a boon not available in previous years. Still, the early afternoon hour worried the former Board President who feared a poor turnout at the memorial. Fortunately, his concerns proved groundless as residents filled the cinema. Among the attendees were representatives from the local police precinct and fire departments, New York District 26 Assembly Member Ed Braunstein, District 24 Assembly Member David Weprin and Barry Grodenchik, at his first public event since he was elected the Democratic nominee for the District 23 Council Member seat after the Primary elections the day prior. Just as Board President Mort Gitter approached the podium to open the ceremony, something happened indicative of why we should continue to observe 9-11. Four members from the local fire station—Lt. Phil Senra, Will Cho, Jamie Prosser and Kyle Neumann—who had been invited to participate and who were seated in the front row on the right side of the cinema, abruptly and hurriedly left the building on a call, ever faithful to their job of putting other lives first before their own. Few in attendance noted their departure, but Ricken acknowledged them nonetheless during the presentation. Fortunately, they returned before the end of the proceedings to be called forth before the proscenium later and given their deserved respect. After President Gitter opened the ceremony by giving thanks to Ricken, Felice Hannah and the other members of the committee, Ricken presented a brief rundown of the agenda; then introduced the first of the two custom videos, which gave an overview of the tragic day’s events 14 years ago and Ricken’s personal feelings. Ricken related how 9-11 haunts him still, though the stories and images of bravery offer some solace. He explained how important it is that Americans never forget the tragedy Photos by Julie Weissman NST Board Member and Special Project Chair Bob Ricken begins the program Bob Ricken (far right) presents heroes of Ground Zero (l. to r.) Former NYPD Lieutenant, 9-11 First Responder and NST General Superintendent, Steve Cairo; local fire department members, Lt. Phil Senra, Jamie Prosser, Will Cho and Kyle Neumann; NST resident and NYFD 9-11 First Responder, Tom Lyons; former NYPD Sergeant, 9-11 First Responder and NST Assistant to the General Manager, Bruce Vogel; former NYPD Deputy Inspector, 9-11 First Responder and NST General Manager, Glen Kotowski; NST resident and NYPD 9-11 First Responder, Detective Todd Heiman; bugler Victor Portez
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