

Women’s Club Happenings 38 North Shore Towers Courier n October 2015 Trippin’ in Nassau County ROAD TRIP Women’s Club visits Nassau County Museum BY VICKI MAZEL Wednesday, September 9th, the Women’s Club ran a sold out trip to Nassau County Museum as the Event of the Month. Planned by Gloria Beck and Lois Carus, the group viewed the exhibition of “The Moderns.” Two docents led them through the rooms with paintings by Chagall, Degas, Leger, Miro, Picasso, and many more. Following the trip, the group returned to Towers on the Green where Eva Kessner and Chickie Kaufman organized a luncheon. The day of art, culture and repast provided fond moments and memories for all. Photos by June Cooperstone Exciting and informative future events have been planned through the end of 2015. All programs take place in the downstairs card room near the movie theater. Kicking off the fall season, on Wednesday, October 14th at 7:30 pm, Dr. Penny Stern, Director of Preventive Medicine, Katz’s Women’s Institute of North Shore-LIJ will speak on stress management. Dr. Stern is an occupational specialist. Her expertise is in promoting health and safety through information, awareness and analysis of the physical, social, and mental well-being of groups and individuals. Highlighting the Wednesday, November 18th event at 7:30 pm will be Philip Harwood, noted film historian and adjunct lecturer at CW Post-Hutton House. Known for creating and teaching courses devoted to film and media history, he will be speaking on “The Life and Times of Katharine Hepburn.” Mr. Harwood also teaches film studies at the 92nd St. Y, the JCC in Manhattan, and is a published author. December is holiday time, and on Wednesday, December 16th at 7:00 pm, the Women’s Club will host a holiday party, FREE of charge for members only, featuring entertainer Doug LeBlang on keyboard, accordion and clarinet. A gifted musician, his versatility takes audiences through journeys of music around the world. Mr.LeBlang is also a storyteller and comedian. In addition to entertainment, food, wine and soft drinks will be served in a festive atmosphere. A sign-up sheet will be available and members are encouraged to make their holiday plans early. Docent delivers “Modern” couple A brush with Picasso PLEASE NOTE: All events will be held in the downstairs card room near the movie theater and are open to members only. For further information, call JULIE WEISSMAN at 718-423-3017 or ROSALIE GOODMAN at 718-279-2711

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