THE CUP RETURNETH OVER NST winners with Rick & Stew Men Players BY LEO TUJAK On Sunday, August 23rd. the North Shore Towers Tennis Cup was returned to us. According to tennis pro Rick Bates, the cup was the idea of Mary Anne Langone, our country club manager. This is an annual tennis tournament between North Shore Towers and Meadow Pointe, started in 2011. After losing the cup last year, this year vindicated NST Tennis and its players. The cup has been won by NST in 2011, 2012, 2013 and in 2015. Men’s and women’s doubles matches began play for the first round. And mixed doubles for the second. Respective players from NST: Len Santner, Sid Binstock, Gerry Rubin, Carol Myerson, Stew Kampel, Mark Eisenstein, Werner Nass, Harris Pinsky and Janet Kremenitser. The players from Meadow Pointe: Bob Silverman, Bob Rubenstein, Stu Rosenberg, Ron Lukoff, Dave Roberts, Marie Levy, Aggi Jayson and Dottie Bausch, led by Stew Yaker. The final score was NST 36 and Meadow Pointe 28. Congratulations to all the players for a nice match. After the match r e f r e s h m e n t s , provided by the Tennis Association, the VIP room and the Country Club were enjoyed by all. I’m sure that all are looking forward to a rematch next year. The cup is in the showcase, in the hall near Mary Anne’s office. Women Players Photos by Leo Tujak North Shore Towers Courier n October 2015 21 GB&K/DCS llc Stop In And See What We Offer! Great Service, Pricing & Reliability Jon Kirshner (North Shore Towers Resident) We Provide Full Design & Construction Services Come visit our showroom in Great Neck to select all the materials for your home improvement Of course our materials are discounted..... but not service! 156A Middle neck roAd • greAt neck • 516.487.1975 • fAx: 516.487.1994 NYC LiCeNSe #1412721
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