A meeting of your North Shore
Towers Board of Directors
was held on Tuesday, August
19, 2020, with members participat-ing
remotely via videoconference.
The first topic of discussion was
a proposed partial season Country
Club membership rate for golfers
returning from Florida later than
normal due to the Coronavirus. It
was the determination of the Board
not to make any exceptions to the
current golf dues structure.
As we move forward and achieve
a clearer understanding of the finan-cial
impact the Coronavirus pan-demic
is having on the Apartment
Corporation and the Towers
Country Club’s finances, your
Board of Directors will continue its
review if some sort of consideration,
if any, is due to Club Members as
any refunds given may also have an
financial impact on all shareholders.
Our General Manager, Glen
Kotowski, along with Country Club
Chairman Ed Phelan, then provid-ed
an update on the guidelines for
when our gym may be safely opened
for member use. While Governor
Cuomo announced that gyms in
New York were allowed to open
as soon as August 24, Mayor de
Blasio announced that NYC gyms
will not open before September 2,
following local inspection to ensure
compliance with state requirements
and health guidelines, including a
limited one-third total capacity and
wearing of face masks at all times.
Our Country Club Manager, Mary
Anne Langone, advised the Board
that all appropriate cleaning and
sanitizing measures have been
enacted and that we are prepared
to open the gym upon authority of
the Mayor.
The 2020 Board of Directors
election is quickly approaching,
and ballots, Notice of Election and
candidate biographies were mailed
to shareholders by the American
Arbitration Association on Tuesday,
August 25. That same day, a vir-tual
“Meet the Candidates” event
was videotaped and broadcast
later that evening on our in-house
Channel 995.
After this broadcast, as we are
unable to safely conduct a pub-licly-
attended meeting this year,
shareholders were invited to pose
their questions to candidates utiliz-ing
a pre-printed form that will be
available at your Concierge’s desk.
As many questions received as pos-sible
were presented to candidates
at a follow-up event, “Candidate
Answers to Shareholder Questions”
on Thursday, August 27. As with
the first event, it was videotaped for
broadcast on Channel 995.
I encourage all shareholders to
exercise their right to VOTE in our
Board election. The preferred way
to forward your completed ballot
is to mail it back to the American
Arbitration Association using the
pre-paid return envelope, which
helps establish a quorum prior to
the Annual Meeting. In addition,
after some reconsideration by the
Board, there will be locked ballot
boxes located in all three lobbies up
until 4p.m., Thursday, September
10, the day of the scheduled Annual
Shareholders Meeting.
The meeting itself will be held
outdoors this year, weather permit-ting,
at 6:30 p.m., in the beautifully
renovated front center courtyard
area of our buildings. A locked bal-lot
box will also be available at the
meeting as your final opportunity
to vote for the candidate(s) of your
choice. If you plan to attend, please
be prepared to wear a face mask,
and comply with safe and respectful
social distancing measures. As we
expect this to be a short procedural
meeting, no seating will be provided.
The Board reviewed and approved
all resale, sublease, and family trans-fer
applications as presented by the
Screening Committee. I am happy
to report that apartment sales are
brisk and there was a total of fifteen
(15) apartment sales, three (3) of
which were current shareholders
either upsizing or downsizing their
On another positive note, con-firmation
has been received from
representatives of Chase Bank that
our on-site branch will reopen on or
about September 8. This will be of
great benefit to our many residents
who rely on a full-service bank on
the premises. Our thanks and appre-ciation
go to our General Manager
Glen Kotowski for his diligence in
pursing this matter to a satisfactory
In our continuing efforts to pro-vide
a safe and healthy environment
for our community, developed in
relation to the requests of the Public
Affairs Committee, chaired by Dr.
Stanley Goldsmith, the Board
approved the installation of tem-perature
and health assessment
stations in our three lobbies. Hands-free
thermometers will soon be
available to all residents and visitors
adjacent to the hand sanitizing sta-tions,
for use on a voluntary basis.
Signs will be posted with a brief
questionnaire related to COVID-19
symptoms and possible exposure.
We all share the responsibility
to keep our community healthy.
Kindly take proper precautions and
self-quarantine measures, should it
become necessary.
In response to several residents’
questions and comments regard-ing
our rules and legal guidelines
pertaining to service and comfort
animals, please be advised that all
dogs must be on a leash and carried
if it can be reasonably done so when
riding in the elevators, in the lob-bies,
and other public spaces. Dog
owners must only permit their pet
to relieve themselves in the dog runs
and not in front of the Buildings or
in the newly renovated Front Center
Courtyard area. A copy of the North
Shore Towers rules for service and
other animals is contained within
the BuildingLink library, www.
in “Building Documents” under
the sub-heading “Service Animal
It is unfortunate that some of
our residents who have been given
the privilege to have a comfort or
service dog in contrast to our no-pet
policy on the property do not follow
the rules they agreed to when they
applied for this privilege. This is
our home--please be courteous and
respectful of others by following the
rules and proper etiquette.
Debra Markell-Kleinert,
Chairwoman of the Political Action,
Marketing and Media Committee,
reported that our Beaumont Lounge
has gone through a complete rede-sign
and renovation. While all the
construction work, furniture and
design piece installation has been
completed, it will remain closed
to residents until such time that is
permitted to safely open.
In the meantime, you can see
photos of the completed project
on the BuildingLink website under
“Current Notices,” sub-heading
“Beaumont Lounge Renovation
Photos.” We eagerly anticipate
unveiling the beautiful transforma-tion
of our much-utilized Beaumont
In closing, I wish to thank our
wonderful staff of employees once
again for their dedication and hard
work towards maintaining a safe
and healthy environment within
our community. We are extremely
fortunate to have such professionals
on our home team.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
President’s Report – September 2020
Fred Chernow
A peek at the new Beaumont Lounge
Fred Chernow, President
NST Board of Directors