Dan Nachmanoff
My name is DAN
NACHMANOFF, born in the
Bronx, attended the Bronx High
School of Science, NYU and
NYU Dental. After Oral Surgery
internship, served as a Captain in
the US Army at the 98th General
Hospital in Germany. This, during
the Vietnam era. Then, 40 years in
Dental Practice in Kew Gardens,
while living in Great Neck.
For the previous 6 years before
moving to NST, I served as
Commissioner of the Great Neck
Park District. With 21 parks and
facilities, large waterpark, 26 tennis
courts, marina, Olympic ice rink,
summer camp, lectures, shows, mov-ies
etc., a lot to oversee. Also, a $20
million budget and 400 employees.
Also, I might add, I served as
Mayor of Russell Gardens for 3
terms and supervised numerous cap-ital
projects. Later, I was appointed
Director of Local Government
Relations for Nassau County when
Tom Suozzi was County Executive.
I believe that my experience in
administration, budgets, communi-ty,
and employee relations will be an
asset to the Board. I am all for more
open meetings and transparency. I
offer a fresh look at the issues we
face today and in the future.
Thank you for your attention.
Barbara Leonardi
Year-Round North Shore Towers
Shareholder 24 Years.
My Goals as NST Board Director
would be to Improve, Maintain and
Enrich the Quality of Life and Financial
Stability of our Co-Op Corporation
My environmental concerns have
been Ahead of the Curve.
2002-2020 Ventilation – Especially
Due to the Pandemic vital need to
update NST air quality to modern
2003 Health/Safety Impact –
Attention to an overabundance of
Antenna on building’s roofs.
2005 Water Health – Neighboring
Toxic Plume Clean-up.
I have attempted to effect change by
nurturing Shareholders/Community
Associations to be a Positive Voice
for everyone’s concerns. The role
of Advocate is not easy because you
can be misunderstood. Having been
approached by fellow shareholders to
become a candidate I believe it is time.
To be an effective Board Member
the following is necessary, Full-Time
Shareholder that would and should be
Accessible, must believe in Transparency
and become Knowledgeable about
NST Apts. Inc. Past Contracts and
Votes. Such a Board Member can
vote Wisely, with conviction on Major
Issues, Priority Expenditures and stay
true to their Oath taken to protect the
Fiduciary Responsibilities of the Co-Op
David Zolondek
5-year resident of North Shore
Towers along with my wife Carol
Full Time residents – Building 2
NYC resident my entire life
BA in Business Administration
and Marketing
6 years work experience in
35 years as President of sever-al
International and Domestic
Textile Corporations being
responsible for all aspects of the
(Finance, Purchasing, Sales,
Marketing, etc.)
Homeowner in Jamaica Estates
for 40 years
Active member of the Jamaica
Estates Association focusing on
community planning.
Currently fully retired and
enjoying life with Carol, children,
and grandchildren
Why am I running for the Board
I love living here in North
Shore Towers. I feel that I can
make a major contribution to
improving our buildings and
also increasing the value of our
I would like to work for the
betterment of our community
and seek your votes and support.
Together we can put a new face
on North Shore Towers.
Stanley Goldsmith, MD
Photo: Goldsmith
I am a resident of NST for
12 years and a Board member
for 4 years, including a year as
President. I have been the Director
of Nuclear Medicine at Weill
Cornell and other major Medical
Centers in NYC, served on the
Board of Directors in industry,
State and Federal Commissions.
I have background in administra-tion,
problem solving, budget and
personnel management.
As NST President, I improved
the quality of life at NST, mak-ing
access to tennis available
to all Country Club members,
and developing the Pickle Ball
facility. Like many projects, this
was more challenging than ini-tially
anticipated as unforeseen
difficulties were encountered. I
renewed the commitment to 2
vendors to provide food services
and prepared the groundwork to
resolve a long conflict with the
My monthly letters did more
than simply report Board actions.
I provided details about the issues
and the basis for the Board’s
actions. When re-elected, I plan
to further communication between
the Board and Shareholders with
increased use of the in-house TV
channel and more Open and Town
Hall Meetings, resolving the recur-rent
food vendor issue, moving
forward with renovations of the
hallways and elevators and pro-viding
garage telecommunication.