me was a wave while running stark naked in
front of my bed dragging her IV pole behind
her behind. No one was answering her call
bell so when nature called, she took matters
literally into her own hands and when the IV
pole could go no further she shlepped the IV
out and went into the hallway to summon help.
Because of her creativity my room now looked
like a convention for nurses and I bailed out to
the room next door.
My next roommate was a sweetheart. We
would bet on how long it took for a response
to the call button, how many people would show
up with a bed pan when neither of us used one,
when and if the room would be cleaned, or how
many carbs would be served with each “diabetic”
meal ( rice, potato, bread, pasta and cheesecake
for dessert - all at one time,) fun stuff like that.
When I discovered that the bed pans were being
overused for non-necessities and then disposed
of, I decided to make a list of other uses for a bed
pan. I have to admit that I needed help to make
this list, and if you find some of these suggestions
useful this list was not made in vain. (Too much
spare time on my hands.) Top ten:
1) Planter
2) Back pack
3) Water bowl for a pet
4) Construction helmet
5) Foot bath
6) Stackable storage bins
7) Goldfish bowl
8) Terrarium
9) Drum
10) Salad bowl (Suggested by a friend who’s
been home alone too long.)
I want to report that I am happily ensconced
in my apartment once more, mending and look-ing
forward to each new day hoping the worst
is behind not only me but all of us. I did not
anticipate what would happen to my arm, but
after being in the hospital and seeing all the grief
around me, I realize things could have been
worse. I was truly able to overcome this madness
by knowing I could count on my precious family
and friends for their encouragement and sup-port.
You know who you are. Thank you. You
are all so very special, appreciated and loved.
*Tin Pan alley was the collection of NYC
music publishers who dominated the popular
music of the late nineteenth century and early
20th century. It was located on W. 28th street
between 5th and 6th Avenues.
UJA Keeps on Giving!
UJA-Federation NST
Chair Eneas Arkawy,
2019 Gala
2019 Honoree Dr.
Stanley Goldsmith
accepts award from
Fred Chernow
How to Contribute to UJA
Kindly make your check made payable to
Mail it to:
6900 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, NY 11791
If you have any questions, feel free to contact
our North Shore Towers UJA staff representa-tive
Sherri Candel at or
call 516-762-5896. Thank you!
Dear Friends and Neighbors, I hope
you and your family are well in these
difficult times. Even though this peri-od
has been challenging, I’ve found reason to
be positive. You may remember Irving Berlin’s
WONDERFUL" — well, that's how I feel about
UJA-Federation in my heart and my soul.
I’ve seen what only UJA can do in the last
few months and I’ve never been prouder. From
day one of the coronavirus pandemic, UJA built
and scaled up operations to provide food sup-plies
and tens of thousands of meals to the
hungry and vulnerable.
I’m saddened that we’re not able to be
together at our annual UJA North Shore Towers
Dinner, but I wanted to share that right now,
UJA is doing all it can to alleviate the suffering
of so many and ensure that our area can get
back on its feet. And the needs are getting
greater every day.
As I write to you, UJA is:
• Delivering meals to seniors and stocking
food pantries for growing numbers of hungry
• Providing emergency aid and protective gear
• Giving struggling families cash assistance
they need
• Supporting the critically impacted corner-stone
institutions that are the heart and soul
of Jewish life
The needs are tremendous and I ask for you
to help support our community during this
crisis. Your donation will make a difference in
the lives of New Yorkers and Jews everywhere.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Wishing you much health, safety, and peace in
the New Year. May it be a sweet one.
NST 2019 Mitzvah Project, Camp Kehilla
2019 Honoree Judy Lev & Family